
Well Known Member
I have 3 days to sort out this issue or my flight from Denver to San Diego gets canceled

I updated the operating software for my G3X classic system to ver 11.30. One of the improvements is to the transponder display on the PFD.

When the software update was complete my transponder appeared inop (see pic). I checked the fuse and checked that the transponder was seated in the tray all to no avail. I decided to fly a traffic pattern sortie. KBJC Tower (which has radar) said they were receiving my transponder. I asked a second time and was told I was squawking 1200. The whole time my PFD showed a failure and I was unable to access any xpdr controls to set a squawk etc.

Anyone else have any issues with the update

G3Xperts any suggestions? How can I force a reinstall to see if that corrects the problem?

I upgraded to 11.30 a few weeks ago and have not had any issues. Hopefully the Garmin team will chime in. That said don't hesitate to call the AOG line because with the holiday weekend you don't know how long it will be before someone checks VAF: 1-913-397-0836
what changed

Thanks Todd. I wasn't sure if the AOG hotline did experimental but I'll give it a shot.

What changed on the Xpdr display with this update?
Thanks Todd. I wasn't sure if the AOG hotline did experimental but I'll give it a shot.

What changed on the Xpdr display with this update?

To be honest I didn't notice any change in the transponder display, but I guess there's something there. Also I'm not sure about how the AOG line will respond either but it's better than nothing. At the very least maybe can they can get in touch with one of the G3X guys. Hope it works out.
Love your panel! I've done a few updates to 11.3 with no issues. Send the team an email ([email protected]) and I'm sure you'll get a quick response. You may want have the software version in your xpdr available for ref as well.
Hello Bob,

Yes, it doesn't appear that you have contacted us yet through [email protected], but if you do, we will work with you to resolve this issue.

We will start by asking for screenshots of the system information page with the transponder selected and the transponder configuration pages, and the version you upgraded from.

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can I manually force a reload?

Thanks Walt for the reply. That panel took 8 revisions before metal was cut. Do you know of a way to manually force a reload of the software? As you know the system automatically prompts you when it sees a new version on the SD card, which is not the case now.

303 882-7410
I'll get screenshots

OK Steve I'll go to the hangar after church today and get the shots
303 88207410
nice panel!

Sorry, can't help but to suggest a reboot and a call to the vendor, but wow, what a panel! Perhaps you've done it elsewhere, but could you do a photo tour of your whole cockpit when you get back from SD? It really is stunning!
Fixed yet?

Bob, did you get this fixed yet?
I have a 330ES in the panel so I did not have the remote feature enabled, but today I went throught the menus and enabled it to see if it was working properly, it has in the past. I'm running 11.30 on my 370. It worked just fine! I'm guessing it must be a configuration that is not configured properly. Hope your up and running by now.
I just got back in town and wanted to do a status update:

I sent my first email to the Garmin G3X support desk at 06:24 on a Sunday morning asking for help?.. and I got a reply 13 minutes later at 06:37 ON A SUNDAY MORNING!!!!! After several emails back and forth my problem is resolved. (thank you, Steve. Do you ever sleep?)

A corrupted software update to my AHARS was inhibiting my transponder display on my PFD (I guess the transponder bone is connected to the AHARs bone?.huh????) Garmin provided a software ?patch? that fixed my AHARS and allowed me to successfully reload my system software?? Problem solved.

The building of our planes requires thousands of decisions. One of the best decisions I made was the selected of Garmin for my avionics (not affiliate with Garmin in any way).
