Mark C.

Well Known Member
Question, working on my panel what are you guys using to both power the panel while setting functions on Dynon units and also charge the battery? The panel will be in the aircraft along with the battery and all electronics. PC680 battery at 17ah. Thanks, Mark C. 9A
Don, are you using the OMAX-12A-1B, does the fan running all the time make too much noise? as part of the application do you just leave it on the battery when setting up your panel? Thanks, Mark C.
That's the one.

The fan is very quiet, not silent, but the ringing in my ears is much louder.

You can leave it on all the time as it is a smart charger.

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Unless you have a true power supply (not the same thing as a battery charger) then I would just run in on the battery and then charge the battery when you're done with everything off. Battery chargers do not put out a smooth DC voltage.
Terry, is that also how you did your panel setup , run it off the battery and than recharge?? Mark C.
I asked Odyssey about this. They said " do not have the their charger on the battery at the same time that you are using the battery". Something to do with how the Odyssey charger reads required charge. So, work on panel from battery, then recharge.

Personally, I bought a dedicated 13.8 volt, 40 amp power supply. Disconnect the battery cables and powered from that supply source. Powers everything all day long and no second guessing amount of charge left or other battery issues. Plus, power supply comes in handy for dry rub testing stuff on the bench.

Tom H.

Tom, can you supply purchase info?
Could you use alligator clamps and just clamp on downstream
Of the master?
I used a Samlex America model SEC 1223. 13.8 volt, 23A (not 4O amp) unit.

I connect mine right to the leads-alligator clips-taken off the battery. This allows me to turn off power with master switch at panel, if necessary.

Tom H.
[snip]... 13.8 volt, 40 amp power supply. Disconnect the battery cables and powered from that supply source. ...

No need to disconnect the battery. The 40A power supply simply emulates your alternator, and once the battery is charged, it's just along for the ride as your airplane would normally operate.
