Paul Austin

Active Member
just wondering if anyone else looked at the ground adjustable whirlwind prop at oshkosh. Has anyone had any experience with this prop or know any more details what are your thoughts????? It looks very nice and seems to be reasonably priced
I looked at it and the Sensenich ground adjustable composite. I'm not sure which one I like better. The Sense has the keys to set pitch and would probably be more accurate than just eye balling a line but the Whirlwind has ,in my opinion, a better blade design.

I'd like to see a few other people running it before I bolt either one on though.

Yeah i looked at the sensenich to but the are only for the rotax/0-200 and the like as whirlwind are making them for the 0-320/0-360 which make it suitable for RV6,7,8,9.Has anyone used one???
The WW prop is brand new. They just came out with it.

Sens'y prop has been delayed and probably won't be available for the O-320 until "fall", which probably means next year. The O-360 version will come out after that.

I like the way you change the Sens'y prop but ordered a WW right after OSH.

Hey Bill
Do you know when they are going to start shipping the props. Also what engine are you putting it on would love to haere about it once you get it:)
Propeller will not fit O-320 and O-360!

............ whirlwind are making them for the 0-320/0-360 which make it suitable for RV6,7,8,9.Has anyone used one???

Be aware that the O-320 has different crank lugs and bolts than the O-360, so the propeller will not fit both engines without modification! Make sure you get the right propeller for your engine. See post #41 and on, of this thread:

Kind regards, Tonny.
Be aware that the O-320 has different crank lugs and bolts than the O-360, so the propeller will not fit both engines without modification! Make sure you get the right propeller for your engine. See post #41 and on, of this thread:

Kind regards, Tonny.

Correct, you have to order the prop to match your engine. Also, not all O-320's use the same size lugs. The good news is that since you have to use a prop extension, you can have one made with different size lugs (one size for the engine and a different size for the prop) or simply change the lugs on the prop flange.
Simply change the lugs? My 200RV has a solid flange, this must be different on the ground adjustable!

Greats, Tonny

He means having an "hybrid" extension. One with size A of the lugs, the other side with size B of lugs. An "extension - adapter"
I did not know that !

Simply change the lugs? My 200RV has a solid flange, this must be different on the ground adjustable!

Greats, Tonny

He means having an "hybrid" extension. One with size A of the lugs, the other side with size B of lugs. An "extension - adapter"

No, I mean both. You can have a "hybrid" extension as you called it or you can change the lugs on the prop flange, not on the prop. Then your extension can use the same bolts on both sides.

Either way, you aren't touching the prop.