
I was getting ready to order my standard RV-8 fuselage kit and was trying to decide if I should keep the in-flight adjustable rudders or go with the ground adjustable rudders. Has anyone put in the groudn adjustable and not really liked them? I will be the only one basically flying the aircraft so I would think there should really be not much of a need for constant adjustment. Any info is greatly appreciated.

I ordered the standard ground adjustable system at first and returned them to Van's for the in-flight adjustable after talking to some other RVers. I'm glad I did.

Once you look at the "ground adjustable" rudders you realize how misleading the name is. While they can be adjusted on the ground it is a major pain. The rudders in the RV8 aren't that easy to access once the airplane is built and adjusting the pedals, as I recall, is not just a matter of pulling a handle and away you go. You've got to get down into the rudder area with your body and hands and pull bolts.

The in-flight system is much easier to adjust. Even if you are the only one to ever fly your airplane think about a long flight where you want to stretch out your legs. With the in-flight system you can move the rudder pedals out of your way and easily pull them back again when you need to.

Just my opinion but my suggestion is to opt for the in-flight adjustable.

I ordered my 8 fus about 3 weeks ago and figured for what they cost I got the in flight pedals.Being the seat does not move ,a little ajustment in leg reach would be nice .In my 120 I ajust my seat after I take off and before I land
I started reading chris's reply and thinking "bull" until I got to the part about inflight stretching. That really sounds beneficial.
Ground Adjustable Rudders

I completely concur with Chris! A few weeks ago, I adjusted the pedals on the beautiful RV-8 "Crazy Woman". Having flown the aircraft back to its new home at Roanoke Texas, (52F) I wished the aircraft had easily adjustable pedals. I'm just under six feet, but the owner/builder was six two or more, and had installed the tall boy option for the front seat back. It was a stretch for me to operate the pedals and brakes.

I found moving Crazy Woman's ground adjustable pedals anything but easy! It took me well over an hour to do it, with plenty of that totally uncomfortable head first under the panel work. I also found it necessary to remove the lower forward cargo compartment wall to gain access to the bolts.

Do yourself a favor, and install the easy adjustable pedals.
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What it worth

I went the ground adjustable route with my 8A. I like the idea of inflight adjustable to be able to stretch out, only problem is I am 6'6" and those pedals won't leave the furthest forward when I am flying it. I don't know if it is possible with the inflight adjustable, but going the ground adjustable route I can stick my feet beneath the rudder pedals and rest them on the firewall, very comfy.
