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GTN 650 Flight Plan Interface to Foreflight

I recently installed a GTN650 and a GNX345 and a Flightstream 510 Bluetooth. While I'm still trying to learn how use all the functions, one has me stumped. I can enter a flight plan in the 650 and it will automatically export that plan to my iPad/Foreflight, and, export to my Grand Rapids EFIS too. However, I can't figure out how to do the reverse.....load a flight plan on my iPad/Foreflight and export it to the 650. I was under the impression this function is available, but maybe I'm just stupid. Can anyone help?
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There is a little icon on the top that looks like a plane with 2-3 sets of parentheses. ((T)) tap this and it will give you an option to send to GTN.
GTN 650 Flight Plan Interface to Foreflight

While in Foreflight on the MAPS page, I do not see any icon that looks like the ((T)). Is this located on a different Foreflight page?
I found the "send to" page. Thanks. I'm at home now and not in the plane. Do I assume when I'm on the Foreflight Send To page that once I'm blue toothed to the GTN650, that it will display as one of the places I can send this flight plan to?
It’s on the main maps page. It’s an icon that shows up at the top of the page when you are connected to something that allows this.

You can see it right at he top of the page on this screenshot.
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I'm in the decision process of possible upgrade and since I use foreflight this would be a nice feature.

What garmin gps is required for this flight plan feature through foreflight? Obviously the 650/750 listed here but does the 430, 530 or 480 have this ability?

What else is required to do this? Is it a bt option for the garmin or an additional item to purchase to connect the iPad to the garmin gps?

Sorry for piggy backing but I don't this would need another full thread.
I'm in the decision process of possible upgrade and since I use foreflight this would be a nice feature.

What garmin gps is required for this flight plan feature through foreflight? Obviously the 650/750 listed here but does the 430, 530 or 480 have this ability?

What else is required to do this? Is it a bt option for the garmin or an additional item to purchase to connect the iPad to the garmin gps?

Sorry for piggy backing but I don't this would need another full thread.

You would need the Flightstream. The 210 works with the GTN and the GNS series. The 510 only works with the GTN, it just plugs into the SD card slot.

I have the GTN 650 & GTX 345. Use Foreflight on an iPad mini.

You mentioned that a card in the SD slot enables Flightstream.
Does the card stay in or is it just to load software into the GTN to make Flightstream functional?

I see Flightstream 210 will provide AHRS, Flight plan transfer & GPS.
Foreflight running on an iPad uses the iPad GPS...right? What does the GPS from the GTN do for me?

I'm really trying to get my head wrapped around all the connectivity. :(

Thanks much

The Flightstream 510 is an SD cars that has WiFi and Bluetooth. The WiFi is active on the initial boot screen for the database concierge (only via Garmin Pilot app) then when you hit Continue it changes to Bluetooth for flight plan transfer and gps position and so on, so the card needs to stay in. The gps gives you position that is more accurate than the internal gps in your iPad, especially since it has an external gps antenna. Also, if you have an iPad that does not have cellular, then there is no gps in the iPad.

I?m not sure how the GTX345 fits into this. I know you can Bluetooth to the 345, but not sure if the Bluetooth to the GTN gives you the data it gets from the 345 or not. I think it does from what I have read, but I don?t know from experience.

The Flightstream 210 gives you everything except the Database Ckncierge, I believe, but you have to wire it into the back of the unit, whereas the 510 just plugs into the front.

I?m not sure how the GTX345 fits into this. I know you can Bluetooth to the 345, but not sure if the Bluetooth to the GTN gives you the data it gets from the 345 or not. I think it does from what I have read, but I don?t know from experience.

As of the most recent firmware udpates for both the 650/750 and the Flightstream 510, data from the 345 now passes through the 650/750 via the FS510 into Foreflight. This didn't work until the last round of updates.

With a single bluetooth connection between the FS510 and Foreflight you get GPS position, bi-directional flight plan transfers, adsb traffic & weather and attitude/heading/etc. from the 345's built-in AHRS.

The 650/750 software can be downloaded from Garmin (via the G3x page) for experimentals, but unfortunately you need to use the Garmin Pilot app *in a dealer account* to update the firmware on the FS510.