
Well Known Member
Good morning, question for the group. I?m trying to decide on a new grip for the yoke on my 3. I like the TOSTEN, but I have some concerns primarily with clearance and the mods I may possibly have to do to the stick to get the clearance. I can cut the stick down or bend it to some degree to get the clearance, but in so doing will that cause other problems. Has anyone else had this issue and solved it. This may not be and issue at all it may work just fine when installed, but figure it doesn?t hurt to ask before ordering . Thanks
Stick Grip

I had the same issue with my RV-4. I put a military style stick grip on top of the stick and it wouldn't' clear the panel. I previously had a Ray Allen grip that was held of top of the stick by friction so I didn't have any holes to worry about. I trimmed off a bit of the stick on top just enough to clear the panel with my hand on the stick. After placing the grip on top at a comfortable position to my wrist, I drilled the mounting holes and ran the wiriing through the tube for the trim, PTT etc. I've noticed no difference in stick travel and the airplane handles just as well as before.
I really like the grip. IMO, the only issue with the Tosten grip is the mounting method. It comes with an aluminum plug "socket" which is inserted into the stick tube and held there with a single screw through the stick wall and threaded into the plug. It would be fine if the aluminum plug was a heavy press fit in the stick tube....but it is not. The plug will rock around in the tube, with plenty of potential to eventually fatigue the screw and allow the whole grip to pull out of the tube. The pilot may well find himself with a handfull of grip not connected to the airplane.

You can correct the issue by drilling/tapping the tube and plug for three more screws in the other three cardinal points.
We used the Infinity grip on our -3, and only cut a very short amount of stick off to make it comfortable. it workd out perfectly!

Cant come off!

Paul: I have the Tosten in both positions, and have flown with others -- mostly the Infinity. I like the Infinity for looks, but the Tosten had more than enough buttons (as in, lots of them), high quality manufacture, and was lower cost. I recommend it, but suggest you consider the Infinity too, for that ultimate fighter pilot look and feel.

For either of these, you will have to shorten the stick to clear the panel. My panel was made "taller" and extends lower towards my legs, so I probably cut off more raw stick than some others. My stick clears the panel and I still have plenty of length. Resting my hand on my leg, my fingers fall well below the control grip itself. Very good arrangement for me.

I am not sure what DanH is talking about. There is a small hex head bolt that prevents the handle from coming off. I've got 350 hours and soon to be 3 years on my plane with no grip looseness/rocking. The pilot stick (larger diameter tube) does use a "socket" to conform the grip to the stick, but it is not visually obvious or unattractive in any way, and transparent in use.

If you put matching grips (any brand) with multiple functions employed on the co-pilot side, you might want to have an easy disconnect or deactivation. The non-pilot right seater doesn't need them, and you want to reduce the likelihood of inadvertent button pushes that deactivate the autopilot or engage "transmit" or trim function. I used a mechanical disconnect to solve the problem, but since then Vertical Power has a software function that accomplishes this. I didn't try in on my VP200 since I had used a different method. That might be useful to you if you are using VP hardware.

FYI: The Tosten guy is an RV7 owner (and builder, I think).