Has anyone been able to have their Gretz Pitot heat status information integrate with their AFS EFIS display? Just wondering how to interface the display with the pitot.

There's this thread (http://www.verticalpower.com/forums/showthread.php?255-Gretz-Aero-G-1000-Pitot&highlight=Gretz Pitot) for displaying on a -VP-200, but I cant find anything for the VPX or AFS EFIS system.

Do I need to use the standard lights instead?

Nope....... The same solution for the VP will work. The question is how many inputs do you have available? Also remember that inputs can't traverse the bus, they will only annunciate to the screen that they are connected.

That's why I made my own annunciator panel where all device annunciators are located.
Annunciator panel

Any chance you could post a photo of your annunciator panel and a graphic schematic? I am in the panel design phase and need help deciding how to integrate the VPX functionality with logical information depiction.
Any chance you could post a photo of your annunciator panel and a graphic schematic? I am in the panel design phase and need help deciding how to integrate the VPX functionality with logical information depiction.

I'm getting ready to leave OSH this morning, which is the reason for the brief post.

Mykitlog site should have photos, but wifi performance prevents me from posting a direct like.

I am using the annuciator board from vxaviation. http://www.vx-aviation.com/other.html

This makes live very easy to wire up because you don't care about whether or not the circuit goes high or low. It also has a built in dimmer interface and push to test for all LEDs.

I used LEDs that already have a built in resister and are rated to be used with 14v.

What Mark was referring to is a board that vertical power sells that takes the Gretz normal output (high to drive their LEDs) to switch to low (ground) for annunciation. Not necessarily needed if you use the vx aviation board, but needed if you want to use your EFIS for annunciation.

Email me if you need more email and I'll follow up when I get home.
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