
Hi Everyone, I'm trying to track down the dimensions (or part number) of the Push-pull cable for the electric elevator trim "Warren Gretz" designed. The the trim actuator mounted to the rear turtle deck under the Empennage fairing on the RV6 and attached to a short push-pull cable that operated the trim tab. Any help would be greatly appreciated. And of course if anyone has a copy of the installation guide they could post, that would be perfect! I tried to use the email for him I found in a previous post, but no joy. Thanks
Push-pull trim cable

Hi Everyone, I'm trying to track down the dimensions (or part number) of the Push-pull cable for the electric elevator trim "Warren Gretz" designed. The the trim actuator mounted to the rear turtle deck under the Empennage fairing on the RV6 and attached to a short push-pull cable that operated the trim tab. Any help would be greatly appreciated. And of course if anyone has a copy of the installation guide they could post, that would be perfect! I tried to use the email for him I found in a previous post, but no joy. Thanks

I was the original designer of that cable (back in 1992). I gave it to Warren so he could share it with the RV community. It's been a long time since I looked for that documentation, but I'll try and dig it up and post it. I originally had the cable custom made at Spruce. Initially their cable maker wouldn't make it as it was called an "Elevator Trim Cable". I changed the name to something like "Push Pull Cable" and their lawyers OK'ed making it... I'll check my document in the hanger tomorrow...
Push-Pull cable

Thanks Fred!! (Aircraft Spruce "ACS" Push-Pull was my thought also)

I've checked my files at the hanger here in Florida, and can't find that design document. I know I've seen it in the last year or so, so it's probably back in Ct in my files there (where I was when I designed it).

The best way to get one constructed is to have one made at Spruce ( using 10-32 ends (an A-920) for the connections to the servo and the elevator trim tab. You'll have to come up with the length....

Hope I've been some help.. Good luck..
What is the purpose of this style? Is it a conversion from manual to electric trim? Or is it to move the trim sevo from inside the elevator to the fuselage?
Push-pull trim cable

What is the purpose of this style? Is it a conversion from manual to electric trim? Or is it to move the trim sevo from inside the elevator to the fuselage?

The original RV-6 design only had a mechanical trim cable, running from the cockpit, to the elevator. The "in the elevator" trip servo wasn't an option. By using a short Push-Pull Cable with the same elevator end termination, and placing a servo on the tail deck, the long, heavy trim cable could be eliminated.

I do remember that there was a service bulletin on the trim cable elevator mounting point....

My original RV-6A (N925RV still flying) has this arrangement...
I just did an manual to electric conversion and got a custom cable from these guys at a fraction of the ACS cost. They make cables from Cablecraft parts.

3 days delivery as well.

Works great. I wouldn?t;t mention airplanes though.
Thanks for looking Fred. And thanks for the vendor lead Dan.
This is a finished RV6A with manual trim and I didn't want to have to re-balance the elevator. I'm not sure how much lead would be needed to offset the weight of the Servo mounted in the elevator. Thanks for all the help!