
Well Known Member
Sounds like a good place (Asheville, AL) to get some aerobatic instruction. Anybody have experience to share? Thanks, John
Greg is a great guy. He and his wife Cora are wonderful hosts and they have very nice house/ lodge on a 4000 ft grass runway in a beautiful setting.
A friend and I flew down to Greg's for a weekend of acro training in 2013 and had a great time. His house is set up nicely to operate as a B&B, and Greg loves to fire up the grill and cook. He spends time on the ground briefing the flights so you can get the most out of your time in the air. His instruction in the air is top notch. (I'm still lousy at sustained inverted flight, though. My problem, not his.) To top it all off, along with being a superb pilot, Greg is just flat out fun to visit. Highly recommended!
+1 for a good weekend there. I previously had some aerobatic training and experience in gliders, and some tailwheel training, but still needed some more tailwheel time for insurance purposes as well as more confidence and instruction in aerobatics in powered planes. I was about to close on my RV-8 and lived in Alabama at the time and figured he would be a good guy to give me some good aerobatic/stick and rudder instruction while logging TW time I needed anyway. Glad I went. Not cheap, but worth it.
Our stay with Greg and Cora

Well, I called Greg about two weeks ago. He didn't have any slots open until after July except for a cancellation on Feb 13 and 14. I jumped on it thanks to all the good recommendations here. The basic aerobatic package includes about 4 hours of air work and lots of talking and illustrations on the ground. I got a little icky feeling during the first lesson but that got better as we progressed.

There's no wasted time in the air. We got right to it. I was doing aileron rolls by the end of the first lesson and loops by the end of the second lesson. The next day we transitioned into my plane. Then, on the second day we got back in Greg's Decathlon and practiced spin recovery.

This was time and money well spent. I feel ready to go out and practice on my own. As others have said, Greg and Cora are very welcoming and fun to talk with. I recommend Greg Koontz for aerobatic instruction without hesitation. And my wife enjoyed the experience as much as I did.

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