
Well Known Member
This field has a nice airport restaurant on the field. If it?s within striking distance of a 100 dollar hamburger run, and you have kids, this place is a must.
Right next to the restaurant is the airport playground. Awesome playground with a full aviation theme. It even has little fully marked runways.

Other airport administrators should make this a blueprint to promote and bring revenue to their airport.
The playground has gone from nothing to wonderful in what I would guess is 5 years. It is being done by the airport authority, not the restaurant, which I think is a big positive statement about the folks running the airport.

I love going there and seeing all the kids getting exposed to aviation. And the food is great too.
Yep, it is a great restaurant with helpful controllers.

The fact that it is only 11 miles East of my home at SC86 doesn't hurt.

That is one of Snopercod's LancAir brotherhood day stops.

As good as that restaurant is, you need to bring your Significant Other over, park at the restaurant then get a ride to downtown Greenville. It is lined with restaurants and shops. Even cooler is the river and waterfall with a pedestrian suspension bridge over the waterfall.

Pick a fun weekend and visit Greenville.
There must have been fifty kids at the playground yesterday. I parked in the normal tiedown area but should have parked over by the playground fence so they could get a good look. Another RV (7?) pulled up right in front of the restaurant. It looked cool but I'm not sure how he got out of there without blasting the people eating on the patio.
As good as that restaurant is, you need to bring your Significant Other over, park at the restaurant then get a ride to downtown Greenville. It is lined with restaurants and shops. Even cooler is the river and waterfall with a pedestrian suspension bridge over the waterfall.
Amen to that! The city fathers have done an amazing job of turning Main Street into a mecca. My favorite restaurant is Trio. Their wood-fired pizzas are awesome! Here's the view from the Liberty Bridge (an engineering marvel in itself):

My wife grew up in Greenville, and I lived there for 12 years. We?ve got photos of us on a date next to the reedy river downtown when it was basically just a meandering stream. Amazing how it?s changed over the years. Every time we visit the family, we take the kids to that park. They love it almost as much as I do!
Sorry the pic is way too fuzzy to share. Diane and I went to GMU for lunch today. Had not visited in a long time.

We ordered and while sitting down Diane noticed the pictures laminated to the table and my ugly face beaming back up at her from the table. We laughed:)

Food was good as always. Piles of kids. It's great to see.
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Great suggestion, here's pictures!

Thank you for suggesting Greenville Downtown. A fantastic destination for us as I like to take the kids on little adventures. My youngest (10 yrs) and I checked it out first. It was a little chilly right before sunset this Fall, but we managed to get a great look at the aircraft watching area, playground and restaurant just off of the South Ramp.

This location would be ideal for a fly-in and even better for an RV gathering with kids or Young Eagles event.


Thank you for suggesting Greenville Downtown. A fantastic destination for us as I like to take the kids on little adventures. My youngest (10 yrs) and I checked it out first. It was a little chilly right before sunset this Fall, but we managed to get a great look at the aircraft watching area, playground and restaurant just off of the South Ramp.

This location would be ideal for a fly-in and even better for an RV gathering with kids or Young Eagles event.

The playground is outstanding! I take my son there every so often for lunch (It is just a few miles from home) and every New Years day, weather permitting.

When we do YE flights, we typically leave from the east side of the runway as it is easier to control the YE riders from the general public, which can be a big safety issue.

A couple years back, the LancAir guys had their fly-in there. I just happened to stop in for lunch on the way home and was surprised to see a ramp full of LancAirs. It crushed me a little bit when one of them had an issue and no one brought tools or even knew how to work on their planes.

Snopercod, where you?
Snopercod, where you?
I'm still here but my wife had a stroke so I've been having to take care of her rather than fly. I can't really leave her at home alone yet. She's getting better so I should be back in the air pretty soon. They really saved her up at Mission.
I left my wife in the car at the hangar, and flew down to GMU for a quick lunch. The "management" at the Runway Cafe decided to cut costs by laying off a number of waitresses - well, most of them. Now customers have to order and pay first at the front desk and someone brings the food to your table when it's ready. I don't much like the new system but it is what it is. The Matre D' also told me that loss of the B-17 was a big financial hit for them because they would be really crowded when it would fly in. The place was mostly empty when I was there but a lady sitting nearby was admiring my plane. Her 3 y.o. grandson was with her and after we both finished, I escorted them out on the ramp and let the future pilot stand in my seat. She took some photos of him. My RV buddies wimped out on going with me today.