Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
For those of you who either dont know about the "Home Page" on this site----took me close to a year to find it-------or who know but just dont visit there often, please check out the story Doug wrote about a flight with his 12 year old daughter.

For you sensitive types, I suggest having Kleenex available. Brought a tear to my eye----

Doug, congrats on getting her started. I hope your wife will come around. I am incredibly blessed that my family likes to fly.


Thanks my friend.
I have been wondering why DR never mentions flying with his spouse and kids. I assumed, correctly, that A) spouse did not care for flying and B) spouse did not want the kids to fly either. I know because I have similar issues at home. It is hard to convince someone else how "in tune" you are with your RV and how safe it really is.

Well, that was over a year ago and I have since been to the Bahamas with my daughter (she was also my first RV passenger) and up to Pennsylvania with my son, plus lots of shorter flights. Recently, my wife went on her second flight with me for lunch near Atlanta.

Of course, airplane building and flying is all about ME. But, I hope my kids will learn from my example in the same way I learned from my parents.
Hard work and dedication pay off - big time.

Just yesterday I had my daughter help me cut one of the spars for my biplane project on the table saw. "I love the smell of fresh cut wood!" she said.

Well, there will be alot more wood cutting before we can fly this plane!

Doug thanks for the great story. It was Terry Jantzi's flight north (http://www.iwantarocket.com/rv6/ ) Canada that got me hooked. You and your daughter just set it deeper. Can't wait to get the kids....(I have seven from 26 yrs old to 38 yrs old)..and the grandkids in the air. Like you my wife absolutly hates being up in the air so I may be doing alot of solo stuff:(

Frank @ SGU RV7A ...NDY...BGC.....
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Doug, Thanks for sharing this wonderful story of true life and true love. You are one lucky guy! Merry Christmas.
Great story

I don't have any kids but for me one of the greatest thrills is to take a young person flying and have them come down with a grin wrapped from ear to ear.

Especially the ones that look at you with awe and amazement after their first hammerhead!

Good on you!

Thanks Doug


Thanks for the write up. I too have almost the exact same family "issues" and we are not strangers to aviation. When I bought half of the -6 I begged my wife to go for a ride. She is by no means afraid to fly. She has flown with me many times. From a Cessna 150 to King Airs to the MD80 (I was the FO on that flight) She was just a little nervous about the -6, it is quite a step down from a King Air. Well, I took her out to lunch and then for about a half hour ride. She was now okay with the airplane but I can tell, its just not her thing. However, I am in the planning stages of "guycation" to the tip of Baja next spring, she is starting to feel left out. . . So, things could change.

Two Sunday's ago, I was given "permission" to take our 10-year old daughter, Emily, for her first airplane ride with Dad. I too read your story with admiration as it sounded like a copy of our day together. We flew out over the coast near Pismo Beach, hoping to catch a glimpse of the migrating Whales. Then along the coast at 500 feet dodging Gulls and enjoying the view. Then over the hill at Cayucos. Dropped into Paso Robles for lunch for me and my best friend, who lives in the area. French Toast for Emily. Loaded up and headed home. Emily and I wiped the bugs off and drove home talking about, "this was the best day ever. spending it with my Dad" "Can we get the Flight Simulator for the Computer?"

As a career aviator, I don't think I'd like to see her follow my footsteps, but I would like to see her enjoy the goal of becoming a pilot, be successful professionally and enjoy aviation as a hobby. Maybe even helping out Dad someday on his (and hers) RV-8.

Thanks again for the read. . .
neat stuff

That's a great story. Unfortunately I don't have any kids to introduce to the joy of flight, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the experience vicariously through Doug's story.

Like Doug I wish that my wife would fly with me but alas after several hundred hours and a couple of ratings, she still will not fly with me in a small plane. I have an uphill battle considering she is uncomfortable on a 767.

I finally convinced my kid sister to let me fly her back and forth to college after she spent 12 hours flying home commercially her freshman Christmas. Suddenly 3 hours in the Diamond didn't seem too bad.

The best I have managed to do is convert my buddy up the street who is now taking lessons and about to solo. We flew to NY this weekend to visit his brother, enjoyed a nice lunch and flew back the same day. My friend flew the entire trip except for the takeoffs and landings. He was really thrilled. It's not even close to the same happiness that Doug must have felt, but it sure made me happy!
Thank you, Mike (and everyone).

Audrey got some real 'steet cred' in school today talking with her friends about her flight. She said when she went to sleep last night she could still feel the sensation of flight - like after you get out of a hammock and can still feel the sways.

Still on cloud 9...
No wonder your engine was running rough

Your story about flying your daughter was amazing. On the other hand, no wonder your engine was running rough. Dude, you had a nickel in your plugs (see photo and caption). You really ought to be more careful of your pocket change when you change your plugs.
We're all kids at heart

My ten year old son's first flight with me in my RV provided me with one of my most memorable moments in the air. Fleeting as it was, I'll never forget it. As it was his first flight, I kept it short and let him get some stick time, and it was an unremarkable flight untill we headed back to land. My son and I are aces in our own minds and routinely clear the bandits from the skys of Europe in MS Combat FS. As we approached CHD we passed the departure end of Stellar Airpark's RW with a departing Cessna crossing left to right in front of us, slightly low. A juicy target ripe for the picking! I pointed out the "bandit", and with both of us on the sticks we banked right and pulled some G's, put the pipper on the target and hosed him! We both added our own gun sounds, and the sound of my son's laughter will be etched in my mind for ever. His first flight with me went from routine to memorable in an instant, and I hope will fuel his enthusiasm for aviation for life.

My gun sounds were way better than his by the way, as I've had a lot of practice being the "baron of the southwest practice area".