Oh that is a beautiful spot !!! I completely forgot about that event so thank you for reminding me. I can't pull off a half marathon but the 5K is fun and a great reason to be in the mountains. We fly in that area all the time. To answer your question, it can get hot, mostly humid, still in September but its mainly shaded the not completely in the Sun. You will have a blast, just practice running up hill.... the entire way :D
looking at this half marathon. has anyone run this one? is it still hot down there in Sept.?


While Townsend is a beautiful town, be aware that this race is not in the GSMNP as they insinuate. However, the park and all it has to offer is nearby. It is a rolling course with about 730ft of elevation rise so get some hill training in!

I have not participated in this one but know a few who have. It is expensive for a half marathon with few perks. Reviews are mixed.

The weather in Sept. is a total craps shot. Could be just about anything but snow/ice is not likely.

If you are flying the RV in, KTYS is likely the closest to Townsend with KGKT being closer to Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge (The main tourist areas).

While this post might seem negative, don't take it that way. Just trying to give you factual info. Depending on what you are looking for, this could be an awesome race!
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