
Active Member
I just want to share the great experience that I recently had with TS Flightlines. I had a fuel line for my RV-7A project that was 2" too short. I e-mailed TS Flightlines inquiring how much a new fuel line would cost and what the delivery would be for it. Tom Swearengen responded to me with the cost and delivery. When I explained to him that I had one for my project that was too short and was interested to know if there were any components off of it that may be salvaged to possibly save me a little on the replacement fuel line. When Tom found out that I had a new line that had not been used he advised me to send it to him and he would check to see if he had something available that he may be able to work out a trade. A few days latter a new fuel line showed up at my door. I installed it and was very pleased how it remedied my problem. I latter sent a message to Tom asking what I owed him for the new fuel line. He responded that it would be no cost and that he was glad to be able to help me out.

You know, I have never had such great customer service and willingness to help as I have experienced within the RV community of suppliers.
I highly recommend sending your business to Tom and his team at TS Flightlines, as they have excellent service and have earned our loyalty.