What a great show for this year?s 2010 Good Neighbor Day and Open House at the DeKalb Peachtree Airport (KPDK) in northeast Atlanta this past Saturday. The WX and displays were all outstanding. Even better, was one great presentation put on by The Team RV Crew that in my opinion took the show hands down. Very fluid with constant change. The way they have brought formation and acro together is nothing less phenomenal. Something was always going on. I guess it?s hard not to have fun with that many VANS doing their thing.

If you have not recently had a chance to see this year?s Team RV show ? well you need to get on their link (www.teamrv.us) and find one close to your home town airport. New to this year?s flying performance is the integration of the acro to formation flight. While one group of twelve demonstrates the different formation profiles ? four additional RVs execute rolls, loops, wing-over?s, hammerheads and cubans at stage show center. With smoke on and running thick this group is an inspiration to all. Pure professionalism and focus is defiantly in the watch words of this organization. Watching this group will only increase ones pride in owning and operating our wonderful little flying time machines. Total Performance as one great man once coined.

Cheers and many thanks to TM RV for a performance very well done??.

i was confused by this, their site had them flying friday at 5 and sunday at 10, but the airshow was saturday 12-5, i went over there sunday to spectate and nothing......
I am humbled by your comments and I cant tell you how much the team appreciates hearing from you all in the VAF/Vans community. We continue to try and improve our program and I?m appreciative to the team for their efforts. Much of our efforts are aimed right at this group. Displaying what?s possible with these planes and a team of dedicated pilots.

Thanks for the kind and heart warming comments Shep. Makes all the work we do worth while.

Next stop, Cape Girardeau Mo, also featuring the Blue Angels:) I say that cause I have an on-going saying with the team that I will not be satisfied with our program until the ads and promos have Team RV front and center, and a little note at the bottom saying, "and also featuring the Blue Angels.":p
