Well Known Member

4000'. Heading north. When you can see the horizon in Iowa, it is a good day. About 30 degrees F. on surface.
That picture reminds me of back when I bought my first plane, a Cherokee 140, and flew it back from Waverly, IA to Texas in early March 2001. The skies were clear blue, and the ground was white all over as far as the eye could see. I quickly discovered that to find a small town's airport there, you first had to locate the town itself, which was often quite difficult... until I noticed that there were occasionally large clumps of dark colored cedar trees sticking out of all those fields of white... and the small towns were hiding inside those clumps of cedar trees! :p

Edit: BTW, it was in the upper teen degrees F at the surface that morning in March 2001 when I took off from C25 and headed home with my new plane. Thank goodness the Cherokee had such a powerful heater!
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