
Well Known Member
I was surfing the old web tonight looking for any useful information on proper electrical wiring techniques and came across this website. It has a bunch of short videos covering everything from wire types to soldering techniques to avionic pin crimping and a lot more. The videos are a little slow to load but worth the wait. I hope it will be helpful to those getting ready to jump into wiring like I am. Let me know what you think!


Jim Kinsey
7A Fuselage
Finish kit due next week
Heli-Chair website

Kas Osterbuch (sp?) is the owner of that website, and lives here in Northern California. He is the guy that taught the SportAir Electrical & Avionics workshop I took last year. He's a great instructor and definitely has some great resources on his website. He has videos of actual hands-on practical exercises. It's great!

You will probably need to have Quicktime player on your machine to view the videos. At least that is what mine uses to play them.

Jim Kinsey
7A Fuselage
finish kit on the way