Well Known Member
I just returned from taking my airplane to Fort Worth for paint and stopped overnight on the return leg at Mount Pleasant, TX (OSA). While I generally have good experiences at small airports, this was so exceptional, I thought I should give them public praise. The folks who met us and helped us bent over backwards to be accommodating. For example, after fueling the plane for us with relatively cheap fuel (refusing any tip), they gave us a courtesy car for the night - after filling it with fuel, bringing it to the airplane, and leaving it running with the a/c running while we unloaded and secured the plane. Before we left for the hotel, they drove us to a restoration facility/museum on the field filled with WWII warbirds (Corsair, TBM, P-51, C-47, etc.). On top of all of that, the runway is 6000' X 100' in great condition. What's not to like! Definitely worth a visit if you are in the area. :)
East Texas

It doesn't surprise me - I spent some time in that area drilling (for oil) back in the '80s and the people there were super friendly, even by Texas standards. Very fond memories!

Recent detailed article in a warbird magazine on the museum. The museum and most(maybe all?) of the aircraft are privately owned by a local businessman.