
Well Known Member
Ok, I admit it, in some areas I seem to be a total fool. So I'm asking for some advice as I obviously have no clue on this one.

I have a grease gun, with appropriate grease for my wheel bearings. I also have a grease packer, that worked great. I filled both with grease when putting my wheels on a few weeks ago.

When I look in the packer today, the grease looks just like it did when I loaded it. So I know that nothing was exposed to unusual heat.

Next to the packer, in the same toolbox, is the grease gun. I bought a new one, because my old gun leaked. This new gun has now made a mess of my toolbox. It appears as though some of the grease in it has turned into oil. A little ran out of the threads near the top of the gun, and a ton just poured out of the back end. If I pump the gun, good grease comes out.

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? Am I not supposed to store the gun under pressure? Why did the grease turn from a gel to a thin fluid?
I learned this the hard way too.

When you're not using the grease gun, make SURE you pull the plunger back and lock it so that there is no pressure on the grease. If you keep that constant spring pressure on the grease, it will eventually separate the oils in the grease, and you will be left with grease that is not only too thick, but lacks some of those oils.

The first time this happened to me, I was sure the reason my grease gun wasn't working was that it was a crappy gun. So I bought a couple nice new ones. Turns out that didn't fix it. The grease had lost it's ability to easily be squeezed. A fresh tube fixed that.
Live in AZ and find keeping the packer and guns in a Frig works like a charm. Rubber gloves, batteries and ETC. as well.
All my grease guns and grease tubes reside in a 5 gallon bucket, and in clear plastic bags. Never do I leave it in hot place..stays in the cool as much as possible...and FAR from any toolbox !! Grease is like Proseal..just look at it and your guaranteed to have some kind of mess.
grease tube storeage

All grease oil in the grease thickener will separate or leak that is what grease is suppose to do. Under heat the thickener will release the oil to do the lubrication and some thickener are better than other on recapturing the oil on cool down. Always store grease tubes upright with top up. Grease guns should be store the same way. If the oil does not run out -no lube. Catch 22. :D