
Well Known Member
I have been involved in aviation at some level for over 40 years both as an occupation and as an avocation. It took a recent unfortunate AOG experience to cause me to realize something that I've always known in the back of my mind but never really focused directly upon. The blessing of the curse of this passion for aviation isn't about the machines ... it's about people. The machines are merely instruments of shared interest that bring about the blessed associations with wonderful people and lifelong friends.

We all have much to be grateful for.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Hear, hear

Couldn't agree with you more! The people, especially VAF types, have made my my passion for aviation exponentially more rewarding. And more obtainable.

I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be flying GA at all, let alone a highly capable and safe RV if it weren't for our VAF community in TX, UT, AZ and beyond.

Thanks to all of you. I hope to return the favor throughout my life, & am honored to associate with those in VAF and military aviation.

Hope everyone has a relaxing and safe Thanksgiving. Gobble, gobble! :)
A couple of years ago my octogenarian mother came with me to the airport to see our project taking shape. Over the span of an hour-long visit we were interrupted multiple times by folks spontaneously dropping in for a chat. All the invitation they needed was seeing the door to the hangar open.

On the way home my sage mother said some of the truest words I've ever heard about the aviation community. "You've got a lot of good friends at the airport."

I can't agree more. Building a Van's RV got me back into aviation after 23 years off raising a family. The VAF community is largely responsible for making it possible to get a first flight in an RV, then making the decision to build, asking millions of questions on the forums, getting through the build and into the air again --- AND making many new friendships along the way.

Happy Thanksgiving!