
Well Known Member
One of my Grand Rapid Technologies boxes started acting up, dimming itself, and then it started to go blank occasionally. I sent it in, no big deal, having 3 screens gives me plenty of redundancy. It came back in about a little under a week, no note or anything. I thought it was a little odd that my sharpie marks weren't on it anymore. I called out of curiosity to see what had been wrong it, and the answer was:

"The unit would intermitently reboot and the dimmer would fail. The unit was replaced."

The memory card and all my settings from the old unit were transferred to the new unit, AND
they didn't even bill me for return shipping.

I give Grand Rapids high marks for their service.

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++++ for GRT

I have spent at least half an hour on the phone with GRT this morning, trying to get things ready for my (hopefully) soon first flight.........

Carlos was extremely helpful, and knowledgeable.......and even though I am the second owner of these units, he treated me just like I had bought them yesterday.

This is not the first time I have received this kind of help from GRT, it is just typical of how they do business far as I can tell.

Too bad I can not get this kind of service out of everybody -----------ever tried to call MicroSoft for help???
I have been on the phone with either Carlos or Sandy just about once a week since July 20th. I really appreciate being able to talk with them about all these issues. They are always ready to help even when they have to repeat what they already had told me because I wasn't quite getting it.

Yes I have tried to talk with Microsoft. You might as well shove a note in a bottle and throw it in the ocean if you want to talk with a tech at Microsoft.
Every time I call GRT and Sandy picks up, I get greeted by my first name, "Hello Mehrdad".

They have always been most helpful with any questions or issues. I just called Sandy inquire about some thing, not knowing if it was a problem or normal behavior? she responded by just let me know and I can ship you one over night to your address if you think it is a problem with the unit. Well, there was no problem with the unit but I was really happy to hear that it would have been taken care of if it was, this is despite the two or three years that has gone since I purchased the sensor. Two thumbs up for GRT.
This is exactly why I am going with GRT for my RV-10. It's also nice that they seem to be out in front of the other vendors feature wise.
A Visit to Grand Rapids Technologies

I was on business in Grand Rapids this past week and finished early on Friday. I made arrangements to visit GRT and talk with Carlos regarding what I would want in an EFIS and EIS for my RV7A. When I pulled up to their building, I was not sure this if I was at the right place. The building was used as an awning supplier still had signage with the awning company name on it. Walking up to the door, I found a sheet of paper taped to the door that said indeed, I was at the right place. I walked in and was promptly greeted by the receptionist. I apologize, I am bad with names and do not remember her name.

My first impression of the facility was not good. There are open ceilings throughout and fluorescent lights strategically placed screwed to the rafters. Carlos joined me shortly with a firm handshake and immediately offered me a tour of the facility. Not long into the tour, I realized my first impression of the facility was DEAD WRONG. Carlos took me through most of the facility and introduced me to any workers that passed by. There are at least four assembly stations where larger components are assembled and brought together to create the monitor and the electronics behind it. All assembly is done in this building except the etching of the printed circuit boards and the population of the surface mount technology components. The printed circuit boards are made and the surface mount components are installed by Michigan companies. These units are 100% American made.

After the tour, we headed for Carlos' office to talk about what I wanted to do for my EFIS and EIS. There is a computer on his desk with Microsoft Flight Simulator on it and a mockup of all the GRT Products. The flight sim is tied into all the displays and they are operable. He had me do some sim time to show me how everything works. I flew and he pushed buttons. He showed me all the options available between the Sport and the Horizon and even though I wanted to go with two of the small screens, Carlos said I would be better off with one screen with my build parameters.

Although I am still at least a year away from needing avionics and other wiring done, Carlos did not mind me taking up his afternoon. The best time to order the unit is when it is absolutely needed so that any updates will be included. BTW, all software updates are free.

So, I am sold on the GRT Sport with one large screen, the EIS and all the whistles and bells that will make for a great panel.

GRT is manufacturing a quality product, that I have no doubt. Although their facility is not "polished", it is professional in every aspect of the word and I have no reservations about flying safe and sound behind GRT Avionics.

Thanks Carlos for a great afternoon and I hope to talk to you soon with my order.

Dave Nellis