
Well Known Member
The other day I finally "turned on" the flight director so it is displayed on the PFD. I found that if I split the screen with the HSI on the right and the flight director on the left, I could hand fly a much more stabilized approach. The scan seems to be much easier! I just keep the flight director centered and glance over at the HSI to keep the compass heading and wind drift correction stable.

The flight director also shows all the input from the GSN 430W and will lead you around the holds, procedure turns, climbs and descents, missed approaches, etc. How cool is that?

I flew 2 hours under the hood the other day, shot 4 approaches at 3 different airports, and finally can hand fly almost as good as the TruTrak autopilot.;)

The wind indicator on the PFD also makes setting up a wind drift correction easier and scanning the HSI gives a good cross-check.

I have turned off the HITS because, for to me, it makes the PFD too cluttered. It also give one another button to push to load the synthetic approach.

BTW, I am still using the low resolution 6.5 in. display. I checked all alternatives and I just don't have room for the high resolution display nor the synthetic vision. It would take another .53 inches which I don't have on either the or bottom. I don't seemed to have a problem, however, with seeing everything even with my old 71 y.o. eyes.
It's really pretty cool, isn't it Cleve? Fallow the guidance, and you can't fail to end up where you want to long as you follow it closely enough, and don't run out of power of course...

I personally still like the HITS better than the FD because by definition, you are always a touch behind the FD - it is telling you where you should be right now, and if you're not THERE, you're late - whereas the HITS gives me a much better idea of where I should be in a few seconds, so I can take the best path to get there (fly the VV into the third box), but I admit, that is purely a question of what you're used to.

I do agree that having both on the screen at one time does make things pretty busy. It is great to have the choice!

HITS vs other guidance indicators

Paul, I just got back into Instrument flying last month and playing with the various options on the GRT's. I didn't use the HITS (or FD) while doing my IPC.

My question is: If you're doing a "real" approach, do you just use the HITS for situational awareness? (Since the HITS is not a real approach)

Also, as Cleve noted, the FD also provides guidance for holds, PT's, etc.. As far as I know HITS is only for the final approach, right?
Paul, I just got back into Instrument flying last month and playing with the various options on the GRT's. I didn't use the HITS (or FD) while doing my IPC.

My question is: If you're doing a "real" approach, do you just use the HITS for situational awareness? (Since the HITS is not a real approach)

Also, as Cleve noted, the FD also provides guidance for holds, PT's, etc.. As far as I know HITS is only for the final approach, right?

When shooting an approach for real, I cross-check between the HITS, GPS, and Approach Guidance (be it ILS, LOC, or VOR). Of course, if it is a non-precision approach, then I observe the step-down limits (HITS gives you a pseudo-glide slope). For an ILS, the HITS is slaved to the ILS glide slope angle, so it is a pretty safe bet to use - but again, I always cross-check as many sources as i have.

Since I don't have a WAAS GPS, I haven't yet had the chance to enjoy full guidance outside of the FAF, but I don't think the HITS follows that now - it's primarily to assist inside the FAF, best I know.

I am still using the original Horizon with the low resolution screen and the slow processor.
I can't figure out how to accommodate the new screen. I just don't have an extra 1/2 inch up or down. I could cut the hole in the panel 1/4" up and 1/4" down but not sure what that would do to the screw holes.
Thanks, Cleve. Why would you worry about changing to a newer unit if the your current screen has the functions you need and like? Upgrading for upgrading's sake can be an expensive trap to fall into.

Good Luck!
Tom RV-7A N175TJ Flying