
Well Known Member
For those of you who have the dual Grand Rapids and the Engine Information System, I have a question. I am building an 8 and would like to put the EIS down by the fuel selector, but a buddy says he likes flying with both screens full scale (not partial). He recommends putting it on the main panel for that reason (so he can see some of the engine parameters), and I kind of don't want to do that. Of course it's all personal, but just wondering the opinions of some others? Thanks. Respond here or at [email protected] Dave

Of course, this is all going to be personal preference, but I'll tell you my view....I have my EIS down by the fuel selector, and have never felt the need to look at it. I reach down there and cancel the alarm when I power it up (low oil pressure before engine start), and I know it is there in an emergency, but otherwise, everything I need is up on the EFIS screens. I never liked the earlier split screen modes, and generally left the PFD on top, and the Systems page on the bottom, until I was in climb-out. (Of course, I have a moving map on my 430, so I was in no rush to get the map up on the EFIS.) Once in cruise, I'd bring up the map on the bottom DU, and wouldn't look at systems stuff unless I got an alarm.

With the new Systems pages, I have changed a little - I use the split screen on the bottom in cruise, with the map and systems data split - it gives lots of great info, and the map is plenty wide. If I need the HSI mode, then I still don't need the systems data, because everything is alarmed.

I just find the EIS display itself to be pretty archaic, and since I had better things to put on my panel, I relegated it to the fuel selector area.

Is the EIS even needed?

So Paul,

Are you suggesting that the EIS is not really needed with the Dual GRT setup? I'm all for eliminating cost and weight where possible.
Radomir is correct - you do need it to collect the data. When I was planning my installation, GRT said that I could mount it behind the panel if I wanted to....but I figured that I'd find someplace to put it where I could get at it for a little added redundancy (it's a force of habit for me...)...

EIS Out of sight.

I operate my Dual GRT EFIS in the same manner as Paul. Obviously, Paul and I have arrived at this after trying all the various display options over a period of time; for me 100hrs.
I do have a slightly different twist as to where I put the EIS, as I have an RV-7 with a 'Landscape' panel.
So my EIS is on the main panel and this has two advantages.
1/. I found I have spent an lot of time during flight testing adjusting the display parameters and AUXSF/AUXOFF settings and this is all done on the EIS.
2/. I have a Custom page on the EIS which displays Last Flight Time (Until 5 min after airborne) and Total Time on Aircraft. I find this useful for completeing the maintenance release DI whilst the engine is warming up.
Meanwhile, I shall send to by email a shot of my mates RV-8 panel with the EIS incorporated. You should be able to find a shot of Paul's panel on the website and comparing the two layouts might be helpful in your planning.

Thanks for your responses guys. Since the panel is limited, I am going to put it where Paul has his. It can still be easily seen there, and it gives me more space on the front panel for other stuff. Peter, it looks very nice how you installed it on your panel. Take care. Dave