
Well Known Member
Heads up everybody!!!

I just talked to Grand Rapids and their intro special for the dual AHRS will be ending the first of June.
The cost for getting the dual will be an extra $1000.00 after that date. ( OUCH!!!) If you are sitting on the fence like me or putting off ordering, you might want to place your order before June.
I would be leery to buy anything substantial from a small company in these times. "Doubt" should be raised. We don't all have money oozing out of every orifice. I was meerly expressing some concern.

If we don't start buying from these companies; then these "times" will be here to stay...

L.Adamson --- RV6A
Heads up everybody!!!

I just talked to Grand Rapids and their intro special for the dual AHRS will be ending the first of June.
The cost for getting the dual will be an extra $1000.00 after that date. ( OUCH!!!) If you are sitting on the fence like me or putting off ordering, you might want to place your order before June.

What's not to understand about an intro special.....

If sales drop off, then they might need to re-think the profit margin.
And I'm sure you have access to their accounting books.:rolleyes:

I would be leery to buy anything substantial from a small company in these times. "Doubt" should be raised. We don't all have money oozing out of every orifice. I was meerly expressing some concern.

No, I don't have access to their books nor those of many other good companies that raise prices. Nor do I need access.

I am not leery of making a purchase from GRT, nor their competitors (all fine companies). I am not leery because I have spent much time talking to all of them over a long period of time and get a sense of the TOTAL picture of each company.

Also, I was aware of (and deleted from original posting) that they had said this initial price was a special introductory price to help their good customers make the transition.

They did a good thing (lower than normal price for customers in transition) and it was appearing that they were getting a negative reaction as a result.

Kind of like "no good deed goes unpunished".

I concur that when there are known issues, they should be raised. But I also feel that on forums like this, it is very important to be careful how we present our views about viability of companies.

Often, I have seen commentary made about companies and by the time a representative "cleared the air", opinions had been shaped that were not in line with the company's reality.

No offense meant to anyone but too often, I believe comments get made in forums like this with a full consideration for the implications for us ALL (companies and clients).

Additionally, in closing, let me say that I did NOT assume any harm or foul was intended by your post ... that you were just throwing your concern out there for thought. My response probably was a knee-jerk reaction to make sure that this was not taken to another level (bad rumor) by the unaware.

With that, let's close this out.
Price going up on GRT Duel AHRS

Got mine last month, but then as Sandy at GRT says, Russ just has to upgrade. I don't know why she says that. I have only upgrade every piece of GRT equipment that I have but I only have a three screen RV-10 and a two screen RV-7. Somebody out there has to have at least three airplanes with GRT systems.
HOLY COW!!! I didn't mean to start a "what if" discussion about the viability of GRT. I only wanted to let you all know that the price for the AHRS was going up! That way, those of you who are ready to purchase can maybe save a $1000.00.

[ed. I'm sure you didn't, Jim. No worries, mate! dr]
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When did the price go up to begin with?

When I was looking at GRT at Oshkosh last year, both the dual and single AHRS were $3K. Now the website lists the dual as $4K. Did the hardware change, or is the $1K "discount" just a lead-in to entice fence-sitters to order before the price goes up?
I don't think the hardware changed. But, I never understood why they would price a single and a dual the same (except for a short promo). Some would argue that folks who only wanted a single were having to pay extra. The $1000 price difference makes more sense to me. And, in my case, I am close enough to go ahead and get off the fence to save the $1000. It is nice that they announced it ahead of time.