
I'm New Here
We got to fly the RV9A from west Texas to Page AZ this week! Great flights over Lake Powell, Bryce Canyon, Marble Canyon, Grand Canyon, Sedona AZ. John at American Aviation in Page really took care of us during this trip. Free tiedowns with fuel purchase, running tab on fuel for the weekend, rides to and from airport, fuel discount, cheap O2 refill, great advice on sightseeing flights, etc. The trip from Page down Marble Canyon through Zuni corridor of the Grand Canyon south to Sedona is probably the best flight in my logbook!








Welcome to VAF!

Tanner, welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D

Looks like you had a good trip------------we are going to do pretty much the same thing next month, Page as a home base, Monument Valley and the Colorado for side trips.

Thanks for sharing.......
Thanks for sharing those great pix.

We flew over the canyon for 2.5 hours, back in 2003. It was AMAZING. Thanks for letting me relive that awesome flight.
Well done!

Beautiful photos, and I bet the first-hand experience was even better!

Gotta love what RVs enable us to experience. (I covered some similar territory a few months ago but while training for IFR and the weather / foggles didn't afford such nice views.) Looks like your wx timing couldn't have been better.

Thanks for sharing.
The best intro

Great pictures! Thanks for sharing and welcome to the Club of RV Travelers :)
Awesome pictures and great write up. We are also heading to the same place in just two weeks and totally looking forward to it.
Grand Canyon

We did the Grand Canyon fly-over two years ago...
We just programed the Lat/Lon coordinates of the VFR corridors into
the 430W and let the AP fly while we took pix!
The Grand Canyon sectional may be daunting at first, but
is really helpful. ATC expects us to use it.
Happy traveling!
Jim F.
RV-9A 350 hrs.
Thats where I spent my summer years growing up. The old Grand Canyon Airport at the base of Red Butte. Thanks for sharing the pics.