
Well Known Member
I had posted on an earlier thread about guiding a group tour around places of interest in the Grand Canyon area. The response was great but unfortunately we are unable to secure lodging for a large group so we decided to try and small group first and see how it would all work out together.

Three RV10's, my wife Evie and I, Deems and Judy Davis, and Ed and Sheila Hayden decided to give it a shot.

We first met up at Valle airport (40G) which is between Flagstaff and Grand Canyon. We visited the Planes of Fame museum which not only had a great aircraft collection, but a really neat car collection as well.


Then we made a short flight up to Grand Canyon airport to see the IMAX "Grand Canyon Hidden Secrets" movie. The ramp staff at the FBO ran us over to the theater. Seeing a movie at the Grand Canyon might sound dorky, but trust me, it is a must see, especially for aviation enthusiasts.

From KGCN we flew out to Grand Canyon Caverns (L37) This is a funky place on route 66 straight out of the 50's kitch. You roll out on their packed gravel strip, do a little four wheeling on a dirt road, and then roll right up into the parking lot of the gas station getting strange looks from "normal" tourists.

There is a lodge and diner there as well as tours of the caverns themselves. Very fun place to visit. Tons of old cars and old everything. Note: very low cut wheelpants might have to be removed before trying L37 as there were a couple of inch or two ruts getting in and out


After Caverns we flew to the Bar10 ranch in Whitmore Wash south of St. George Utah. This is a wonderful place to visit. It normally serves as a transit area for river runners during that season. The lodge served us a fantastic dutch oven meal and we spent a wonderful night in covered wagons converted into mini hotel rooms (lodging inside also available). A great breakfast was prepared the next morning. Lots of activities available at the ranch depending upon the season.


The next day we got up and flew to Kanab Ut for fuel. We went into town for lunch and enjoyed a small town Homecoming parade. From Kanab we did the scenic tour over Marble Canyon, Glen Canyon, Lake Powell, Rainbow Bridge, and then on out to Monument Valley landing at Goulding's Lodge (UT25). We had a wonderful Navajo Taco meal and enjoyed watching the sunset over the Valley.


There is an inexplicably special spirit in this area. The next morning we were going to be lazy, but the storm of the century was heading for the Phoenix valley so we hauled our cookies back south and thankfully beat the storms.

All in all it was a wonderful trip. It was cathartic for me because one of my first flying jobs was as a guide in the area almost 30 years ago. Great aircraft, great friends, great food, fantastic scenery. The pilots loved it, the wives loved it. (Goulding's has an extensive jewelry collection in their gift shop). It was truly one of those "why we built" trips.

The trip went smoothly, but in all honesty, I don't think a group larger than 3 or 4 aircraft would work out. I originally planned 10 but don't believe it would be doable. There is a small overlapping season for these places and lodging must be secured well in advance. I would be more than happy to assist anyone wanting to plan a similar trip.

One final note. Beefed up engines and fancy cowls make faster aircraft than stocky stock, the truth of which prompted considerable trash talk that I had to painfully endure as the group leader (and slowest aircraft), However, I was able to get a few digs in on the joys of air-conditioning. Interestingly enough, we all burned almost the exact same amount of fuel. For me the trip totaled 6.6 hobbs hours from FFZ (Mesa).

When building I loved reading trip reports. Keep pounding. It's all worth it in the end!
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Myron, I didn't know you were doing this trip but would like to tag along next time. Let me know! Looks like fun!
Timely post. Diane and I will be out in the canyonlands next week. Hope to stop by LOE Fri nite on the journey outbound.
Timely post.


We are flying out to Las Vegas for the Red Bull Air Races in less than two weeks and are intending to hit some airports along the way...Page, Grand Canyon and Sedona...and now, because of your excellent post...UT25! Thanks for sharing.
This trip was an absolute delight. Judy and I count ourselves fortunate to have been a part of it. I've lived in AZ for 20+ years and never visited the places that Myron took us to! If Myron ever decides to retire as a captain for Southwest, he could easily have a second career as an air-tour operator. Grand Canyon Caverns is the model for Disney's Rainbow Springs (Cars) and if you're adventurous enough you can actually stay the night in a fully furnished 'room' inside the cavern 200 feet underground (with room service!). The IMAX @ the south rim is a MUST.... Wow!. Bar Ten (1Z1) is awesome and Judy wants to do a family reunion there (I just need to figure out how to get everyone flown in). Most of the people from the East are anxious to see the Grand Canyon from the air. And no doubt it IS impressive, but MOST secnic part of the trip was day 2 overflying Marble Canyon, Glen Canyon, Lake Powell, Rainbow Bridge, and then on out to Monument Valley. Judy is already talking about the return trip. Great Friends, Great Places, and Great Planes!
Also, this reminds me that I wish we had our own West Coast RV-10 Flyin somewhere. Instead of having to fly the 1600nm to Oshkosh, it would be great to have our own this side of the continent. One of the highlights at Oshkosh, was getting to meet the other -10 builders in person and putting faces to names.

Jesse is doing this with his SB gathering in Florida, which is a great idea. It could be some place with minimal planning, interesting destination, and at least a bite to eat around.

Any volunteers? Anyone want to channel their Kevin Costner? Build it and they will come!!! :D

There will be a pretty good sized group at the RV10 nest at Copperstate Fly-in in a few weeks in Casa Grande AZ. Come join us.
Grand Canyon Caverns

Very nice trip write up!
We did a RV Photo cover Shoot on the Grand Canyon Caverns in 2010 for pilot Getaways-

How did you like that gravel at L37?
More flying places that can be seen and visited in N AZ or S Utah. I just wouldn't do it in my 6A or possibly in the 10.
Heading to Bar-10 breakfast this weekend and will pet the rattlesnake:D
The "off asphalt" aspects of this trip are fine as long as one practices good bush technique.

Keep stick back on ground

Keep moving

No stationary runups over loose material

We shut down and hand parked and hand pulled to hard pack for start.

The runways are all plenty long. Bar10 and Goulding's have significant slope. We landed Bar10 in a 15-20 knot tailwind and still had to carry power to reach the parking area.

I looked my airplane over very carefully and had zero dings or chips.
Also, this reminds me that I wish we had our own West Coast RV-10 Flyin somewhere. Instead of having to fly the 1600nm to Oshkosh, it would be great to have our own this side of the continent. One of the highlights at Oshkosh, was getting to meet the other -10 builders in person and putting faces to names.

Jesse is doing this with his SB gathering in Florida, which is a great idea. It could be some place with minimal planning, interesting destination, and at least a bite to eat around.

Any volunteers? Anyone want to channel their Kevin Costner? Build it and they will come!!! :D

Of course I am totally in. There is always that flight center in San Carlos that plans great trips, we just need to get a few Rv's to join in that flyout.

I am so bummed we couldn't join everyone on this trip, but its all good (this time ;-)) I would like to suggest a trip up the coast of California, Oregon and Washington for your next excursion Myron.

The Flagstaff Slugs (not an RV-only group) will be visiting Bar-10 for breakfast on the 5th. It's pre-arranged with breakfast reservations and we get a lot of aircraft in there. You should have mentioned that it's actually down in the bottom of a canyon - easy to get in and out but can be nervous-making the first time, especially if you fly a pattern to land or depart (RV performance allows straight in/out approaches but the Flag group has to accommodate other aircraft types). Great place even for a breakfast run.

One caution - the Bar-10 regularly sees Twin Otters for their tour groups, which is a high wing aircraft. Several years ago, an RV (owner is a list member) caught a wingtip on a tumbleweed and went off-runway, damaging the aircraft. We discovered that other low wing aircraft had signs of contact; the RV was just lower than, say, a Cherokee. Since that time, Bar-10 has been great about keeping the tumbleweeds away from the runway (as you saw in the pictures), but we always remind them, just to be sure.
Used to fly C207's and C210's out of Bar10 that were loaded to the gills on hot summer days. On departure there is a dirt road that lines up fairly closely with the runway that continues south. That makes a nice option if there's trouble right after liftoff. (At least better than scrub and volcanic rock).

As you look south there is a lava flow higher to the east that slopes down to the west. (From same volcanic eruption that created lava falls rapids).

The natural tendency for a lot of pilots as they are climbing out of the canyon is to drift right over the lower terrain. That can box you in. What we were trained to do was turn slightly left and aim for the higher part of the lava flow as you climb. That gives you a nice wide area to your right over lower terrain to maneuver, escape, do a 180 etc. Of course there is much lower terrain over the river but that brings paperwork.

Thankfully, most RV's have the ability to get up and out of the canyon rather quickly.
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drift from Canyon to Mesa

Got to see Myron's RV-10 at my Mesa stop a week ago. Prettiest RV I have seen in a long time. The event was about warbirds... but I couldn't stop examining his RV. The air conditioning would be a treat. I remember a ferry trip with a Baron from PHX in summer. Had to go borrow a rag to get it started. Could not even touch the throttles... burned too much.
Myron... excellent workmanship. Well done.