
Well Known Member
What is other peoples experience with transferring COMM frequencies from the 496 to an A210?

I press RCL on the A210, outer dial to GPS and only get one frequency presented. I believe I should be able to dial through more.

Jim Sharkey
As I recall it only shows one freq at a time with its identifier. However, you can rotate through all of the freqs for that location with the inner dial?
My Garmin Aera to A210 connection works as Tom says. Press recall, use outer dial to select GPS, then inner dial to select the frequencies. If you're at an airport with only one frequency though, you'll only see one frequency. I haven't figured out how to get it to queue up more than one airport's worth of frequencies at a time.
It sure would be nice if Icom would allow the GPS to push frequencies on demand. They left that feature out!!!!
I'm almost certain that I used this exact feature on Sunday to get frequencies for an airport where I wasn't based loaded into the 210.

On my Aera, I went to the Map view, touched an airport on the screen, selected the "frequencies" tab on the info view, and then touched a frequency in the list. Then I tuned it in my GPS queue. At least, i'm pretty sure that's what I did.
For what it's worth, your GPS is transmitting frequencies for multiple airports, using the RS-232 format documented in the SL30 install manual. Not all radios support the display of multiple airports' worth of frequency data, however... for instance, the SL30 nav/comm does, but the SL40 comm does not. I have no idea about the Icom but it may be more similar to the SL40 than the SL30 in this respect.

Did it automatically load that freq. into the standby? That is the feature I am missing when using a 296.

I'm almost certain that I used this exact feature on Sunday to get frequencies for an airport where I wasn't based loaded into the 210.

On my Aera, I went to the Map view, touched an airport on the screen, selected the "frequencies" tab on the info view, and then touched a frequency in the list. Then I tuned it in my GPS queue. At least, i'm pretty sure that's what I did.
I'm going to check - it may be that it only makes available the frequencies of the current or last "go to" destination. The frequency and station data that it currently showns is the 122.9 CTAF and 1B8 ident of my home base that happens to be my last "go to".

Jim Sharkey
Did it automatically load that freq. into the standby? That is the feature I am missing when using a 296.
No, i'm pretty sure it put it in the GPS section, not the immediate standby. So I couldn't hit [frequency on GPS] then [frequency toggle on radio] and have a live frequency. I had to hit [frequency on GPS] then [select GPS memory (outer dial)] then [select frequency (inner dial)] then [frequency toggle on radio].