
Well Known Member
I just attempted to update my GPSMap296 to the most current (4.80) firmware.

I immediately discovered a bug when attempting to move waypoints on a programmed route.

If you are inside a control zone or terminal airspace, when you push 'ENTER' after attempting to move a waypoint, you get the airspace info rather than moving the waypoint.

If you declutter to remove the airspace information, try to move the waypoint then push 'ENTER', you get a new waypoint on a new route rather than moving the waypoint you initially selected.

I informed Garmin of this bug, and rolled back my unit software to 4.50, (my last update) which seems to work properly.

Vern Little
Hey Vern,
vlittle said:
I immediately discovered a bug when attempting to move waypoints on a programmed route.
always fighting with Garmin, one way or another! :D

I am trying to replicate on my 296 the bug you mention, but maybe because I have the high-definition database coming from the memory card, I am not 100% sure I understand what you refer to.

If you're referring to moving a waypoint on the map, then I agree this is something I am not able to do. But I don't recall needing to do it, really... maybe this is due to the fact that I do have the much more detailed database, and here in Italy we fly over cities rather than "fake" waypoints... in any case, if I try to edit on the map a standard waypoint, all I get is the "waypoint review" page, but I cannot "move" the waypoint with the joypad, something that I remember I could do in the past.

But since I don't really need this at this time, I will stick to 4.80 which so far has worked nicely for me.

Happy holidays!

Ciao, Luca
Hi Luca.

Yes, I'd expect Garmin to deny this bug as well. By the way... the last bug I reported was confirmed by Jeppesen after being denied in a rather strong fashion by Garmin.

The waypoints I'm trying to move are the automatically generated user waypoints that are produced when you create a route on the map with an arbitrary waypoint.

In 4.80, try making a route inside controlled airspace, with at least one user waypoint. Then, try moving it using the 'Edit on Map' function from the Menu key on the Route page.

Select the waypoint by moving the cursor over it. Press Menu/Move, then drag it to a new position and press Enter. In version 4.80 this cannot be done inside a control area because a small aispace info window pops up. Pushing 'Enter' gives the airspace information rather than moving the waypoint.

If the screen is decluttered to remove all airspace information, then pushing 'Enter' creates a new waypoint on a new route rather than moving the selected waypoint as it should.

This all works fine in version 4.50 (my last load), but not in 4.80.

Merry Christmas,
I've not been able to find historical unit software for download on Garmin's website. Since the version 4.80 software for the GPSMAP 296 has flaws, I'm looking for version 4.70 software. I'm currently running 4.50.

If anyone has a copy, I'd appreciate it being emailed to me:

rv-9a 'at' telus.net

Thanks in advance


will send you 4.70 tomorrow from the office, I am on a slow dialup connection right now.

Ciao, Luca