Jerry Cochran

Well Known Member
My 296 refused to acquire satellites yesterday, tried both antennas on another unit and they worked fine.

Anyone have similar experience with the x96 line? I have an old 196 which is still going strong...

Tried to call Garmin support a bit ago. 20 min phone wait, so tried emailing and they assured me they would respond "within 3 days"...

Crappy support so far, IMHO, YMMV, etc...

was the date and time correct? If you search on "296 internal battery", you will find some posts that discuss this. Basically, the gps has an internal battery that gets charged every time the unit is on AND on power. If you don't use for a period of a couple of weeks, the internal battery will not be charged and it may take 30 min or more for the unit to acquire satellites. Mine does the same thing if it isn't used for 2 or 3 weeks and I don't charge it. I remember someone saying garmin recommended they be charged with power and turned on at least 4 hrs every month to maintain the internal battery charge.

was the date and time correct? If you search on "296 internal battery", you will find some posts that discuss this. Basically, the gps has an internal battery that gets charged every time the unit is on AND on power. If you don't use for a period of a couple of weeks, the internal battery will not be charged and it may take 30 min or more for the unit to acquire satellites. Mine does the same thing if it isn't used for 2 or 3 weeks and I don't charge it. I remember someone saying garmin recommended they be charged with power and turned on at least 4 hrs every month to maintain the internal battery charge.

Wow, that was quick!!! Did as you guys suggested, plugged into home power and within 10 mins sats locked on with correct date. Had not flown for 2 weeks so must have been internal battery. If continues to be a problem will replace internal battery as some suggested on another thread. You guys probably saved me the $250 Garmin wants.


Awesome! Let it charge overnight with it on.. and see if doesn't acquire the satellites within a minute the next time you use it.
Garmin 296 Tests


To Garmin's credit, I got this response from their tech support yesterday. Very interesting set of test procedures not in the manual. Should apply to X96 series.
In the meantime, mine was fixed by the replies I got here.

Thanks all!!!



Dear Jerry Cochran,

Thank you for contacting Garmin International,

If part of the satellite almanac data (or operating system) is corrupted, it will cause the unit to drop satellite reception and/or reset (power off). The following resolutions should correct the issue. The first resets the satellite almanac data, the next resets the entire unit (erasing all user data), and the last re-installs the operating system from our website. Try each one to see if it resolves the issue.
Satellite Reset - With the unit off, press and hold the Zoom OUT button while turning the unit on. This will reset the satellite data.

(Before doing any of the procedures listed below, you may want to backup your user data - waypoints, routes, tracks - as it is usually erased during the following procedures. This is easily done if you have one of our computer Mapsource software products. It can then be reloaded later.)

Master Reset - With the unit off and all cables disconnected and any datacard removed, press and hold the OUT+QUIT+NRST buttons. Tap the POWER button once for about .5 - 1 second. (The unit will beep and power up to a shaded screen.) Continue holding the OUT+QUIT+NRST buttons for about 6 - 8 seconds and then release. If the unit powers off or refuses to power up to full brightness, remove and re-install the battery and perform this reset procedure only one more time. Again remove and re-install the battery. The unit should now function properly. After this is done, enable the WAAS function and take it outside to let it acquire the satellite signals for about 10 minutes.

Unit Software Update - To do the Unit Software update, remove any datacard (if installed) and follow the steps below. Make sure to read all warnings as this update may erase all routes, waypoints, and tracks in the unit.

1. Go to our website at
2. Follow this link through the download process.

3. Save the file in a location on your computer that can be easily found - I suggest the Desktop.
4. Find the downloaded file on your computer and run it (double click).

5. Select USB if that is how the GPS is connected to the computer.
6. Make sure the GPS is turned on - simulator on.

This update may take a few minutes to complete. After this is done, enable the WAAS function and take it outside to let it acquire the satellite signals for about 10 minutes.

With Best Regards,

Todd C

Aviation Product Support Specialist

Pilot Operations

Garmin International



913-397-8282 (fax) Att: Todd C
Garmin 296 has died

After a few weeks of inactivity my Garmin 296 will not power up at all.

I tried a new battery, that did not help. The mains power adapter does not help either.

The only sign of life is a "beep" when the mains power adapter is plugged in or when the battery is removed/reconnected and the power button pressed.

The screen is just completely blank.

I tried the button-press sequence described in the old thread above, no joy.

Anyone any ideas?
dead Garmin 296

Thanks Bobby

Before embarking on the battery replacement, do you think my symptoms - no screen display whatsoever - are consistent with those that were cured by your replacement of the internal battery?

My problem is not that satellites are not picked up - my problem is that the screen is completely blank.
Blank screen :-(

You may have to send that one in to Garmin. I have not seen one do that.
Hmmm .... $$$$ ?

We shall see! I emailed Garmin.

Really these days the only reason for these units is to drive my autopilot. I have an old Garmin 196 and an even older Pilot III that can do this!
Be sure you have the latest firmware installed. Easily downloaded and installed from the Garmin website and it is free.

When I first got my 496, I did the update and full reset (wiped the previous owners settings). GPS acquisition is much faster than before the update.