
hello to all,
Following the failure of my NSD360 and my KLN90, I plan to make modifications on my RV8.
I have already installed a G5 and a GDU375, but without any link with the KI208 and the PA VIZION385.
I'm thinking of adding a GPS175 and linking it with all the other instruments, including the A/P.

Can you tell me if this installation is feasible?
Will it be possible to control the A/P via GPS or the HDG and ALT bug of the G5/GDU375?
On the other hand, I can't find the GPS175 installation manual to make the schematics. I use the CNG355 one which seems to be close...
Thanks if you can help me...


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I have purchased a GNC355 and trying to do the homework to interface to my other avionics. I have not done this before and need to do a lot of homework. Your situation looks easier than mine since you are mostly Garmin already. Perhaps we can help each other.
You'll also need the Garmin ARINC 429 box for communication between the 175/355/375 and other components. Not sure of AP compatibility but it should also work. When you purchase the 175, it will come with a black envelope containing information on registering the device, which will give you access to associated documents for 2 weeks.
hello to all,

Will it be possible to control the A/P via GPS or the HDG and ALT bug of the G5/GDU375?

Thanks if you can help me...

Many installers route the autopilot arinc lines thru a double pole double throw switch, selecting sending the arinc lines to either the efis or the gps. If gps is selected, you control the autopilot with its own controls; it functions even if the efis fails. If efis is selected, you control the autopilot with the efis controls. Most seem to prefer this.
BTW, you show the gps optionally driving the King indicator. Not sure if this will work. My guess is you can drive the needles but not use the OBS. Find the manual to verify. But, why bother? This is one more switch that can fail or be mis-set (and it’s a multipole switch - a lot of wires.) I’d suggest you just hardwire it to the King Nav, and use the efis displays for the gps.
ARINC 429 and RS 232

I believe that ARINC 429 contains vertical navigation and RS 232 the lateral
information. So RS 232 has to be connected to the autopilot.
Thank you very much for your answers.
I will continue on this way, but maybe without the GPS - KX165 switch.
@pilotmansam: it would be great if we could exchange information to advance our respective projects..... Do not hesitate to contact me....
I believe that ARINC 429 contains vertical navigation and RS 232 the lateral
information. So RS 232 has to be connected to the autopilot.

As I am considering upgrading to a 175/375 this is news to me, according to the gemini A/P manual if both 429 and 232 are connected the A/P defaults to the 429 input and rolls back to the 232 if no 429 signal is detected. It also states that you have to have 429 for coupled (3 dimensional) approaches i.e vertical guidance. I currently use the Aera 796 to drive the Gemini via 232 and was planning to couple the 175/375 via 429 and if for some reason it quits I can roll back to the 796 for GPS guidance (just not vertical).

I was also planning to connect the 2nd 429 channel from the 175/375 to the D100 to drive the CDI via the HS34 so that I could cycle through the SL30 VOR/ILS, 175/375, and Aera 796 navigation inputs.

I am no expert and currently studying for the instrument rating but would like to understand the interconnectivity as I plan my upgrade.