
Well Known Member
About to purchase a Garmin 396. Will get the power/data cable.
My question is I need to hook the 396 to my digitrak autopilot AND my Dynon D-100. As I understand it, there is one data output cable from the GPS.Wondering how I would go about hooking up to both so both can work at the same time without interference. I'm sure some of you out there have done this. Any help would be appreciated.

Peter K
Wiring the panel
Just split/splice the wire. You're good up to about 3-4 splits before the signal from he 496 won't handle it.


P.S....make sure you have the baud rate on the AP set to the same as the output on the 496.
You can branch the GPS output

The GPS output (configurable) can be Y branched to up to 3 destinations, they say. I know for sure it can do 2. The issue with the 2/3/496 is that only one output can be configured any given way. So if two devices need the same output configuration, you put in a Y and send to both. You could have issues, though if you tried to make that connection bidirectional. If the two receiving devices have different configuration needs you might, then, be able to use the two output wires.