Big Mal

I'm New Here
I just bought a new Garmin Aera 550 for my RV-8 Panel. I have it on the panel with a temporary mount for now. It looked fine in the shop but when I rolled it out into the sunlight the screen all but disappeared. The sun thru the canopy really washed out the picture. I was very disapointed to say the least. I have a Gizmo mount and plan to install it this winter when I redo my panel. My question is....Is there a spot on the panel which is better suited for this type of set up? Is there a better GPS for this application? I have used Garmin products for years but I still have time to get a refund if needed. I did buy one of the GPS sheilds to help with the glare but it still is tough to see the screen.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I feel your pain, none of the 430's we have in out helicopters can be viewed in the sunlight........
I feel your pain, none of the 430's we have in out helicopters can be viewed in the sunlight........

But, my 696 can! :D At the same time, my Lowrance 600c washes out.

Note:I do have the 696 angled directly at my eyes......and it's never a problem.

L.Adamson --- RV6A
never had a problem with my 496. it is also on a swivel like my head!!!!!!
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This is why I just pruchased I think the last new 496. My 296 was acting up after 6 years. I am very happy with the 496 in my 8A.
I added an Airgizmo angle mount for my center stack mounted 496 so that I could look at it straight on. Viewing at an angle in sunlight was bad. The LCD on my Dynon D100 is much better.

Jim Sharkey
Get yourself a used 396 or 496


I would take it back and go with a 396 or 496, older technology but it sure works fine in my RV-4.

Also Ralph, Jim Shelton sold his Bonanza A36 and was happy he kept the RV-4.

Jake Thiessen
I have my 560 mounted on a adjustable mount. Being able to tilt it up or
down makes all the difference.
But, my 696 can! :D At the same time, my Lowrance 600c washes out.

Note:I do have the 696 angled directly at my eyes......and it's never a problem.

L.Adamson --- RV6A

I added an Airgizmo angle mount for my center stack mounted 496 so that I could look at it straight on. Viewing at an angle in sunlight was bad. The LCD on my Dynon D100 is much better.

Jim Sharkey

I have my 560 mounted on a adjustable mount. Being able to tilt it up or
down makes all the difference

Big Mal,
I think I'm seeing some consistency w/in the previous posts. Make sure it is facing directly at you, regardless of the make/model of GPS. :D

Yours truly,
Wannabe RV-8 Pilot ;)
496 glare

I couldn't see the 296 screen worth a darn, so I replaced it with a 496 because it has a brighter screen. That was an improvement, but adding a glare reducing screen protector also helped. The biggest improvement comes from wearing a dark color shirt! My 496 is mounted just under the glare shield, not flush with but flat against the panel and most of the glare is reflected off me. I have a UV protected dark, long sleeve shirt I use for flying and the problem is mostly solved. My 430 is mounted off center to the side of the panel, and I can see it fine with a light colored shirt.
Chris Hukill
One of the reasons why I still love my old monochrome Garmin 196. The brighter the sunlight on the screen, the easier it is to read ;)

I put it into the beanbag mount and just sit it on top of the RV-8 glareshield. It's a nice backup to the 430, plus if the Dynon D-100 ever craps out (no backup steam gauge for the airspeed), I've still got the 196's groundspeed display to help me get a close enough value for airspeed for landing (which I hope to never have to use it for that) :)
Use an adjustable mount.

I agree with the others that if you mount the Aera on an adjustable mount, you will like the results. The fixed, recessed mounts are nice looking, but don't work as well for providing a great view of the GPS display under all conditions.

GPS glare

No, the 496 has a higher nit rating than the 296. I agree that the 196 is the best yet in that regard though. I started out with the 196 and it was great. When I updated to the 296, I had a problem. The 496 upgrade helped, but the reflection off my upper body clothes was the real culprit, and was solved with the dark shirt. I suggest anyone with a glare issue should go fly with a dark shirt before doing anything else, and see if it helps. By the way, I have the exact same problem seeing the yoke mounted EFBs in the G4 I fly and the dark shirt solution is the same there.
HMMM, never seen the NIT rating of either of em published so I can't argue about that. I can tell you from the inside, they look the same to me.

Got a source for that nit spec?