
Forum Peruser
I've been playing around a little with the Garmin GNS 480 Simulator on my PC. It's available as a free download from Garmin's web site. So far I've made a couple of GPS approaches each at three different local airports. Haven't tried an ILS or VOR approach yet. Just wondering if anyone else has tried any of the free simulators yet. I haven't found the manual for the GNS 480 but I'm still looking. Also, one night last week I made a couple of approaches with the UPS IIMorrow GX60 (now owned by Garmin) simulator. The GX60 requires you to steer with the arrow keys, while the GNS 480 makes turns automatically. So far, I am not really confident with either one.
I thought it might be a good way to familiarize myself with the different controls, bells and whistles of the different makes. Anybody else out there have any experience with either one of these models or perhaps another?
Don Hull
rv7boy said:
..... Anybody else out there have any experience with either one of these models or perhaps another?
Don Hull


I made the decision to go with a GNS 430 after downloading the sim and playing with it for hours. It has proven to be a great unit.

I also played with a (then) CNX80 demo unit, but found it too cluttered and not as intuitive as the GNS430.

Ben Beaird
-6A Flying