
Well Known Member
Anyone using a generic ebay/Amazon sourced GPS puck as a 2nd position source with their AFS EFIS? I've got a spare serial input & according to AFS, it'll work, so I've been looking at the various modules that have high update rates, can see multiple US/Euro/etc constellations, etc.

Any PIREPS on a 'cheapo' that is easy to configure? Wiring's no problem but getting the baud rate set, data format right, etc is another question.


I'm impressed that you got that usb version to work at all; according to Garmin's website, the usb version uses a different data format. The serial version seems to be a lot more expensive, and they're just 12 channel, USA only receivers.

I'm thinking of something like

I'm not particularly worried about this, but the gubmnt does mess with GPS signals occasionally, and if I can have two other nav constellations available for less than hamburger money, why not?

I'm hoping someone has already given one a shot & can verify good luck with it.

Good to know that the 18x usb version will work; I guess it can be plan C. :)


Garmin GPS 18x 5Hz is what I used, and I believe what AFS sells or used to sell.
I should probably accept 'good enough' and just pick up one of the 18x models. But I do find it interesting that we can get models capable of looking at two (or more) constellations at once, and most of the new ones allow picking which two constellations you want to use. It just seems like a very inexpensive backup technique for those occasions when domestic GPS is being 'tested' (degraded).

Thanks for the tips on using the cheaper 18x USB port version.
