
Well Known Member
I have an IPAD 2 without GPS, so I bought a DUELXGPS so I may have a readout on my flightguide app but am unable get the signal into the flightguide app or the fourflight. All else works, flightguide charts, fourflight charts, and the duel status tool shows a good signal but nothing show on any of the charts. I know that what ever it is that it is staring me in the face, but I have not been able to find it.... Any help from my friends???
I have the same setp. Yoummustnturn on Bluetooth on the ipad ( that is how it communicates with the ipad) once on the dualxgps should be "discoverable"

I am not sure if this is relevant but we had a similar problem here with an aviation map app.
Turned out had to go into iPad settings and turn location services on for each app.
Go to Settings - Privacy - open Location Services (use the > ) and scroll down to the app you want to use and ensure Location Services are turned on for that app ( not enough just to turn Location Services ON at the master Location Services - must use the > symbol at the main Location Service to open the list and check each app individually).
Hope this helps, but I could be totally wrong.
Melbourne (no, not the Florida one).
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I had the same problem with wing x. They came out saying there was a glitch in ios. Fix was to turn off location services, reboot, and then turn on location services again. worked great for me.

I just bought the Duel XGPS150A. It worked great out of the box. The Duel utility app showed the sat lockup very quickly, and I had 3D resolution within about 30seconds, from inside my house. I started the Garmin Pilot app and had geolocation and current data.

I have IOS 6.1.3 on my Ipad2