
Well Known Member
With the incredibly horrible weather across much of the US many of you must be suffering from GPS, (Grumpy Pilots Syndrome) The affects are wide and varied. How is everyone dealing with this? Just curious.

It happens here too. Last week we had a crappy week with lots of rain and not flyable by our standards. Got a little flying in with the helicopter to help with GPS. If had that not happened, I was only one Prius in the carpool lane going 10 under away from Road Rage. Yes GPS happens in AZ too. Only here it is measured in days, not weeks or months.

I know that Brother Bob Collins is heading to sunny AZ next month as well as Brother Jeff Point. Tom Poberezney should be calling in March for his annual trek to Scottsdale. I don't know how you guys do it!!!!

I'm only bringing this up because it will be 71 here today in Phoenix. I'll have my plane in the air later to enjoy the balmy temps and the 70 mile visibility. Later we'll pull out the lawn chairs and enjoy some barley pops as the Sun sets. Don't hate me, we pay in the summer.

Please do nothing rash. Take a deep breath and let us all know how you are coping. Doug doesn't charge by the hour so your catharsis is free.

....I just remember the old adage, "You can't have rainbows without rain":)

That and the fact that the glass is indeed, half-full, and I'm on top of the grass, instead of the other option,


This will be the third weekend in a row I can't fly because my runway is under snow. Below is a picture of the runway -- before we got another 50 inches dumped on it. This is Essex Skypark (W48) Maryland, not Minnesota or Maine. The only consolation is that I don't expect to hear the words "global warming" ever again...

The only consolation is that I don't expect to hear the words "global warming" ever again...

If you were living in Vancouver you'd be hearing a lot about it: "Unusually warm weather has left some Games venues bereft of snow..."

Don't lie Darwin, the Tucson paper says PHX is only supposed to get up to 70 today, cold down here in Tucson at 65.......

what you call incredibly horrible weather, we call a relatively mild winter. It's not always great for flying, but its great for building. Its no coincidence that EAA was founded in January in Wisconsin.
snow in atlanta

Yes, talk about not being able to fly. Here's our runway this morning at Mallard's Landing, GA. We are about 30 mile SOUTH of Atlanta!
The tailwheel guys without wheel pants are having fun today!
