I have a Synergy built E-LSA thats 8 months old with 91hrs. I removed the ACT406 ELT and returned for inspection as it's activated multiple times. After removal, my first flight 4 minutes after departure gps shut down message (position source 1 fail no adsb out gps lost) blank screen red x. After landind i called Dynon, turned on master gps map screen appeared, they took the time to have me check no conf changes, all good. Short flight today everything up and running but with timer set 3 minutes after departure gps failed again. Is it possible the removal of elt has anything to do with this failure?

Thanks Rod
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Tthere is a very small coax that connects the GPS data to the ELT. Make sure the center of the coax is not shorted to the shield. And make sure the connector is not shorted to ground.
Tthere is a very small coax that connects the GPS data to the ELT. Make sure the center of the coax is not shorted to the shield. And make sure the connector is not shorted to ground.

I would look at the ?other? end of the connection too....something was causing the ELT to activate. They (the ELT are pretty bullet proof).
Rod ... since you have removed the ELT for inspection ... as Joe has pointed out, make sure the removed connection is not causing the GPS position source wire run back to the ELT to become shorted.

In the past, there have been posts here in the forums about the ACK ELT being prone to unwanted activation from static ... such as cleaning with a rag and touching the antenna. ACK has advised those with the issue to install a static filter on the antenna's BNC connector in line with the coax cable. ACK has told others here that this can solve the unwanted activation issue, especially if it is caused by static from cleaning. My ACK ELT came with a static filter in the box so after reading some of the posts about the ELT going off while cleaning, I just decided to just go ahead and install the in-line filter as a preemptive strike (even though I have not had an unwanted activation from my ACK ELT).

Static may not be the issue with your ELT but something you should be aware of. ACK wouldn't be including a filter in the box if there wasn't a good reason for doing so.
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