
Well Known Member

It says that in 2006 the signals were adversely affected by solar weather and are likely to be affected that way again in 2011. I am posting only the link and the headline to stay clear of copyright issues.

Solar Bursts May Threaten GPS
Apr 4 02:16 PM US/Eastern
AP Science Writer
OldAndBold said:
Just one act of nuclear terrorism spacebursting a nuke over the US could wipe out most of our satellites and a lot of our ground based electronics. The Russians or the Chinese could take our sats out in a matter of minutes and we would have nothing to navigate with.

I wouldn't worry to much about that O&B......it's no where near as easy as that, and permanent disablement would take quite an act of targeting. Sci-Fi/Action movies notwithstanding, EMP's don't have global effects....

Ironflight said:
I wouldn't worry to much about that O&B......it's no where near as easy as that, and permanent disablement would take quite an act of targeting. Sci-Fi/Action movies notwithstanding, EMP's don't have global effects....


So Goldeneye isn't real? What next - Tarzan is fictional?
OldAndBold said:
..... but what is the radius of effect? 10 miles? 100 miles? 1000 miles? The GPS sats are what, 11000 miles up? How accurate would a missile have to be to take it and other sats nearby out? ......I don't know. .

I do know....and this doesn't even make the event horizon of my worry list...I'm sorry, it sounds like I'm raggin' on you, and honestly, I am not. I just don't want folks spreading worry rumors about something that isn't really feasible.

But then, we are all free to worry about whatever we want! I'm still worried about that friggin' spider picture someone else posted the other day....:D
Ironflight said:
I'm sorry, it sounds like I'm raggin' on you, and honestly, I am not....

You aren't ragging on me. No offense taken. I had just heard from many places that our satellite fleet was susceptible to many things. If not, then I can stop worrying.

You can generally tell several things from my posting patterns. Lots of posts - I'm stuck on some RV problem and need a distraction. Not many posts and I am probably making progress. Today it was R-710 being mis-drilled. Nuff said.

I still like VORs. ADFs too.

Geico266 said:
GPS is going to make all other forms of navigation obsolete.

Darn! I really enjoy having a sectional in my lap and looking outside. Guess I'm just an old duffer.

John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
(IFR, Steam gauges and a GNS430)
But let me get this right...

Ironflight said:
I do know....and this doesn't even make the event horizon of my worry list...I'm sorry, it sounds like I'm raggin' on you, and honestly, I am not. I just don't want folks spreading worry rumors about something that isn't really feasible.

But then, we are all free to worry about whatever we want! I'm still worried about that friggin' spider picture someone else posted the other day....:D

OK, so you are telling me that the GPS satellites are immune from any attack?

I mean, just about every weapons system I have worked on in the last almost 20 years has been either based on or relied heavily on GPS technology to do its mission - cruise missiles - electronic warfare systems - military aircraft nav - armored vehicles - sub hunting aircraft - all depend on GPS to be effective. Is really that far out there to think that our enemies are going to just ignore this military advantage we have and leave the sats alone?

I think this would qualify as a legitimate concern about GPS. Good as GPS is I think there is a down side to our civil navaids being tied to a military system.

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Arn't the Chinese shooting them down?

I mean if your going to have a good conspiracy, lets make it a good one!...:)
