
Well Known Member
I was up the other day in my -9A with my new GPS-175. I encountered lowering ceilings and needed to divert. I hit "Nearest" on the GPS, but it listed some airports with soft-field runways. It took me a bit to find one with a hard-surface that worked for me. Question - is there a way to configure the GPS-175 so that when i hit "Nearest" it only shows airports with hard-surface runways, or lists those first?
Yes, according to the Pilot's Guide. It's Airport Runway Criteria and is under System Setup. You can choose Runway Surface (Any, Hard/Soft, Hard Only, Water) and Minimum Runway Length.
Think twice before changing the criteria. In a real emergency you might need the closest runway, regardless of pavement or length.
Another indirect suggestion; work out what are the alternates in your flight plan before leaving the ground... ;)