Bones McCoy

Active Member
I have a Hartzell govenor on my 200hp which is mounted so the actuator moves fwd and aft versus left/righ. I am having problems trying to find a cable bracket and proper function on the cable. Anyone out there that had this problem and has a fix? Your expertise would be greatly appreciated.


looks like the one I recently dealt with. I am no expert, but I suggest that you talk to an overhaul shop about the possibility of "re-clocking" the aft portion of the governor to a more ideal position. Not sure that can be done with that particular governor, and you want to pay attention to which way the arm is spring loaded to High RPM... I think that can be modified as required.

The one I dealt with had the same arm and was oriented one set of bolts ccw, looking from the rear. That was advantageous for a gov cable coming from the right side of the aircraft.

If you clock your gov two sets of bolts ccw, 180 degrees from current orientation, with the arm on the bottom, you could approach with the normal RV cable orientation. Not sure that a standard Vans bracket would work, have not gotten there on my project.

Others will have more knowledge about this than I.
Follow on

Yes, I called the overhaul guys and they said yes it can be repositioned but I needed to index the current position first. I have lost sleep over if I do reposition the actuator position, will I be able to mount the cable in a way that it will work without binding?

I am sketching drawings for a bracket.

Thanks for the info, keep it coming

Have u tried the standard Vans bracket? If not and u want to see if it can work at all I have a spare one I can send u. I had to make a custom one myself so I can't use Van's. No charge.

I also used a shorter cable than called out for in the plans, I used a 52.5" cable, it's available from vans but was not listed in the catalogue, I had to call to order it...
same problem

I had the same problem. I first re-clocked it but the cable bracket was all wrong. Then I made another cable bracket. Still didn't like the arrangement. Finally purchased a PCU 5000 on the group buy here on VAF and the reduced size allowed me to clock it better and it solved my issues.
Good luck!