
Well Known Member
Well today I finished my 5-day adventure and brought N262 DF to her (his?) home.

This would not have been possible without my RV-4 Mentor Extraordinaire/Flight Instructor/Master Mechanic/ and Flight Therapist- Dave Austin.
I cannot explain how he clearly communicated and taught me the very basics.
He is the very top of this profession.
If you ever need some to teach you how to fly the RV-(any) see him. He lives near DTO.

Picked up N262 DF after a thorough inspection of the craft & books. After a night of rest and excitement, flew from near Las Vegas (BVU). The builder and previous caretaker of 262 DF was a gracious and wonderful guy- Dan Gildner.

Route of flight was AWESOME- BVU-DRO-MMDO-DUX-DTO overnight, then DTO-GLE to train. Overnight. Then DTO- AWM-MQY. Overnight (weather). Then MQY-JFZ-RMN. Overnight (30-36 direct crosswinds at planned home field), so divert.
Final leg RMN-EZF.

2000 wonderful miles.
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David, congrats on your epic journey.

By the way-----------------
David, great story! Congrats.

Please give my regards to Dave Austin the next time you see him. I solo'd and got my ticket in his C150 N1674Q many, many years ago. Took some instruction from Dave, also. Very nice person.

You are leaving too much to the imagination..lets see some pics and hear more details about this "dream flyer" of yours!

Congrats on the four!

Anything you can get into is female. Anything you get on is male.

She is lady ..... a very sexy sporty one but a lady none the less!!
Dream Flyer epic journey

David, congrats on your epic journey.

By the way-----------------

Got pix, did not know how to post them.
Really good shots of the Grand Canyon, Lake Powell, Monument Valley, Four Corners, Durango, DFW, Mississippi River Crossing, Blue Ridge Mountains too.

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hi to Dave Austin

David, great story! Congrats.

Please give my regards to Dave Austin the next time you see him. I solo'd and got my ticket in his C150 N1674Q many, many years ago. Took some instruction from Dave, also. Very nice person.


Yep fine man, great instructor.
1st he un-tought my 35 yrs of basic experience before providing the basics of a "masters Degree in the art of flying".
He knows how to get to the heart of the matter without using a chainsaw.




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well stated

Congrats on the four!

Anything you can get into is female. Anything you get on is male.

She is lady ..... a very sexy sporty one but a lady none the less!!

In my overt attempt to be crudely PC- and not offend women pilots...
I've painter "her" tail.

Got cool pics of my tail art, bust simply don't know how to post them yet.

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got em

You are leaving too much to the imagination..lets see some pics and hear more details about this "dream flyer" of yours!

As soon as I figure out how, I'll upload (attach) them.
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As soon as I figure out how, I'll upload (attach) them.

OK, read this.

The thing that seems to stump a lot of folks is that the photos do not reside here on VAF----------they need to be posted to a site that hosts images, and then you insert a link to the hosting site wherever you want the image to "appear" in your posts.

After you hit the "submit reply" button on your post, "magic happens" and the image shows up like it was actually a part of your post.
Well today I finished my 5-day adventure and brought N262 DF to her (his?) home.

This would not have been possible without my RV-4 Mentor Extraordinaire/Flight Instructor/Master Mechanic/ and Flight Therapist- Dave Austin.
I cannot explain how he clearly communicated and taught me the very basics.
He is the very top of this profession.
If you ever need some to teach you how to fly the RV-(any) see him. He lives near DTO.

Picked up N262 DF after a thorough inspection of the craft & books. After a night of rest and excitement, flew from near Las Vegas (BVU). The builder and previous caretaker of 262 DF was a gracious and wonderful guy- Dan Gildner.

Route of flight was AWESOME- BVU-DRO-MMDO-DUX-DTO overnight, then DTO-GLE to train. Overnight. Then DTO- AWM-MQY. Overnight (weather). Then MQY-JFZ-RMN. Overnight (30-36 direct crosswinds at planned home field), so divert.
Final leg RMN-EZF.

2000 wonderful miles.

Congratulations on purchase. Looking forward to seeing pictures. The trick is post the photos somewhere and when posting, use that icon above this typing box that looks like a postcard.

FWIW, I flew to Tangier Island today (great crab cakes at Lorraine's) and heard an experimental calling at Shannon. It sounded like they were doing touch and goes - any chance that was you? Plan a trip to TGI, if you have not already done it - a very short hop in an RV.
Yep fine man, great instructor.
1st he un-tought my 35 yrs of basic experience before providing the basics of a "masters Degree in the art of flying".
He knows how to get to the heart of the matter without using a chainsaw.


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still learning the pics tricks

Still learning how to and how not to post pics this way.
Did you click on the mountain button?


Click on the insert image button and when the window opens delete everything in the box first and then paste the url.

Congratulations on purchase. Looking forward to seeing pictures. The trick is post the photos somewhere and when posting, use that icon above this typing box that looks like a postcard.

FWIW, I flew to Tangier Island today (great crab cakes at Lorraine's) and heard an experimental calling at Shannon. It sounded like they were doing touch and goes - any chance that was you? Plan a trip to TGI, if you have not already done it - a very short hop in an RV.

I believe it was me.
Good ears.