Me too. Did some reading - talked with some builders...took a class...bought a tail kit/tools...still waking up at night wondering what the heck I thought I was trying to accomplish.

Well, got a ride in an RV6 today - even got some stick time. WOW! Now I understand all the stuff about "Spam Cans" etc. The RV acts like an airplane is supposed to act. I started flying twenty years ago but until today, never flew a real airplane. I am MOTIVATED! Great machine......
Yep Chris. I'm with you there.
Still haven't made the leap myself but I think I will at some point.
Once you've flown it, it's pretty hard to get back in the spam can.

Not really

It is all flying but flying the RV that you spent all those years building is special, just like when you learned to fly in whatever you learned to fly. Did you perhaps forget? During the Phase 1 testing you will find some squawks but as you continue to fly your creation you will come to appreciate even more than you do from your ride just how good and reliable the RVs are. Enjoy the process.

Bob Axsom
Flying your own

I have been flying one I build since Feb 27 or this year. Nothing better! But just a few days ago my partner checked out in it as I flew off the 40 hours. Insurance considerations made that practical. It was a new source of pride to actually see it fly! I really didn't expect the feeling I got when it lifted off. It was almost like the first time I was at the controls. What a beautiful bird!

Our 9A is everything I had hoped for, and more. Our CFI commented about how versatile it was. You will love the experience of building and then the fun starts.

Bob Kelly
Circle of Friends

I think the most amazing thing during the building process is the friends you will make as you ask questions, have inspections, go to fly-ins with, etc.. Most builders are very humble, but highly capable individuals. Did I mention that they seem to be interesting folks also?