
Well Known Member
4822C is now home safe and sound with a fresh paint job from Grady at GLO Custom. I know Doug already showed a bunch of pictures, but it is a different vibe when you actually get to go fly the fresh "new" airplane and take it home. I'm very happy with it. Grady does some really great work. It really does look just as good when you walk right up to it as it does in the pictures.

I didn't go to Grady with an absolute layout. I showed him my general idea and just cut him loose to go from there as far as the layout was concerned. He really has an eye for some of this stuff. The tail "thing" was all Tanya's doing. Again, Grady is a master.

Tanya was a little grumpy after having to drive the car home so we put it away and called it a day. I can't blame her. Today, after a good night sleep, we went out to go through all of the mechanical systems (control rigging) that had to be removed and reinstalled. We made some rigging adjustments and checked everything over. We did a short flight later this afternoon. What a joy to have some clothes on the airframe. Tanya wouldn't take the controls. I think she said my grin was just too big to disturb. We didn't get our eye knocked out by the sun reflecting off of the bare aluminum wing. We've been flying this thing for a year and now it looks like somebody else put their airplane in my hangar. It takes some getting used to.
Lookin' good

Scott, Tanya, That's one good looking plane you've got there. Now everyone will be admiring the only part of the plane you didn't do yourself :)


Plane looks have got to be real happy with that RV grin extended to near max.......Now if i can just get a reasonable DIY paint job on my RV7A.

Frank @ 1L8 ...RV7A... painting:eek: