
Well Known Member
Man, that was the longest 8 weeks of my life! It shipped out last week on 9/5/2008 via ABF. Called Vans and got the tracking #, looked it up on ABF's website, and it showed a delivery date of 9/12/08. :( So the weekend goes by, and I spent about as much time on ABF's website looking for updates as I do here on VAF... which I'm ashamed to admit is probably WAAAY too much!! :D So I check Monday morning, and it says it was dispatched from NM to Dallas, with an ETA of 12:15pm 9/8/09. But the delivery date is still 9/12/08. :confused: So I called ABF, and confirmed everything, and waited. At 12:49pm it arrived in Dallas. I called ABF and told them I'd just pick it up and asked how much the shipping was... $386 and some change from Oregon to Dallas, TX... Ok, so I write a check, and head to ABF. I get there, and hand them my check, and she tells me to hang on a minute, and walks off. She comes back and tells me that since I'm picking it up, the shipping is only $309. WOOHOO! I just saved myself $77 for driving the 2.8 miles from work to ABF to pick it up... DEAL! So I drive around to the loading dock, and inspect the crates. PERFECT! Not a scratch anywhere, no dings, cracks, anything. Of course it was raining outside at this point, and I was going to be loading these on a 16ft trailer for the drive home... I asked the forklift guy if he minded if I wrapped them in some plastic (I came prepared) I brought before we took them outside. He said no problem, wait here... So he runs off and comes back with two guys and a roll of plastic... They sat there and shrink wrapped both the crates for me so they wouldn't get wet!! :eek: Loaded them up and got them home. What a great day. ABF was awesome to deal with, and I'm another happy Vans & ABF customer. Can't wait to inventory and get back in the saddle! :D