
I took delivery of our first set of tools this week. Went with a few companies including Cleveland, browns, the yard, ebay and the manufacturer of the DRDT2 (also honorable mention to harbor freight for some small odds and ends and a new tool chest. All in I am around 1700. Thats with the drdt2 and a pneumatic squeezer along with most of the stuff they include in the pre-packaged kits. I also splurged and bought a grab box from browns. Its basically a mystery box. I have included a picture of the contents below. The box was 25$ i cant even identify all the tools in the box but I have found a few that I think I can start using on this build. If anyone knows what some of tools are and how much they cost I would appreciate it. Thanks

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Grab box

I'd say you came out ahead. I can't identify all the tools but the countersi k cutter a d bits is easiely over $25. I also see a nut plate drill jg. It's the handle with three holes in the end. They are unique to a specific size nutplate. You'll have to experiment.
I think I see a hole saw on the left.
Drill bits are usually labeled.
Best of luck on the build
Moving roughly left-to-right, I see a General Tools scratch awl, what looks like an Irwin mini tubing cutter (the little blue block below the awl, a few hole cutters below and left of that, a nutplate jig/holder, cleco pliers, a drill bushing and holder (the clear plastic thing just below and right of the pliers - that style is sometimes referred to as an "egg cup"), a microstop with several countersink bits, a few rivet sets for your rivet gun, a few squeezing dies for a rivet squeezer, a few drill bits, and possibly a few reamers in the plastic tubes.

The microstop and countersink bits are worth over $25 - you made out like a bandit!

You mentioned Harbor Freight. Not everyone knows they have aviation tools. Serviceable Cleco pliers for $6 and small seaming pliers for $8.
Like your experience, my wife found a garage sale where a widow of an aircraft assembler was selling her husband's tools. She didn't have an idea of the tool values, so I offered my advice for prices I didn't buy. I could have taken advantage of her, but paid fair market value for many used measuring tools ( I think he was in Quality Control) she was selling. I use the Starrett dividers and calipers ALL THE TIME. I wish I had gotten there earlier, I suspect there was other tools I would like to have bought. There are deals out there if you look.
I agree the tubes probably contain reamers. Upper right are rivet gun sets; right below are rivet sets for hand or pneumatic squeezers.
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I have that same drill cup and at least one of the drill bushings over on the left looks like it will fit the cup. For it to be truly useful you will need bushings for #30, 40, 10 and 1/4. Nice little haul. If that nutplate jig is #8 you hit gold dust! Check the angle of those counter sinks before using.
Thanks for all the info. I put the stuff I could identity and know I have an immediate use for in the tool box the other stuff is squirreled away in a box for future use. Overall the experience with Browns was good. Their customer service was great and tool grab box was interesting if nothing else and it sounds like it was a good deal.