
At the link:


This aircraft's registration status may not be suitable for operation.
Please contact the Aircraft Registration Branch at 1-866-762-9434 for additional information.


Maybe another Air Force One objected....

That's cool registration Don! It would definitely trigger lot of attention when you start flying it :D BTW any meaning behind 461DeltaGolf?
Not much, my 12 kit is number 461 and my name is Don, the wife's Geneda. I chose it over several others since it rolls off the tongue (at least my tongue) far easier than some of the other combinations, and maybe I can remember it.
I can hardly wait until some tower says "say model of aircraft" and I get to answer "Air Force One, and I am going to try to bring this sucker in on only one engine!". You don't want to take this flying stuff too seriously you know.

That's cool registration Don! It would definitely trigger lot of attention when you start flying it :D BTW any meaning behind 461DeltaGolf?
So.....How long before you bring it up to Twin Lakes, so Connie can see it?:D

Marshall Alexander
Per their website instructions, I called FAA Registry this morning, they had no problem with the Air Force One stuff, I had made a clerical error in filling out the forms, and they needed a bill of sale from Vans for the kit parts, not the invoice l had included with the application.
Great to hear you are going to be PIC of AIR FORCE ONE. CAPTAIN
The best thing about it.....you do NOT have to salute the big shot passenger that is in the White House currently.
Yep, should be good for a laugh or two.

It's been good for a laugh or two already! Well done, Don. I didn't think you'd get away it. Figured there was bound to be some homeland security rule that said you couldn't use an RV-12 to impersonate the president's 747.

Mind you, with all the financial troubles over there in the US, maybe the president wouldn't mind downsizing. Have you phoned the White House to offer your services yet?
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My brother is a FSDO who while in the air force worked for years on air force one, so I had checked it out previously somewhat. The only warning I got was that if I copied the presidential seal, the secret service would have my butt in a sling really fast! I am working on an imitation presidential seal now that will not offend the secret service. A look alike at distance that will have some goofy wording on it when you get close.
You see in reality, Air Force One does not even exist except in my RV12 model. Any aircraft that has the President in it, uses the Air Force One CALL SIGN, but the 747's etc have a regular N number like any other plane, so only I have a real life Air Force 1..:p

It's been good for a laugh or two already! Well done, Don. I didn't think you'd get away it. Figured there was bound to be some homeland security rule that said you couldn't use an RV-12 to impersonate the president's 747.

Mind you, with all the financial troubles over there in the US, maybe the president wouldn't mind downsizing. Have you phoned the White House to offer your services yet?
President Donald Schwanke .... has a rather nice ring to it, don't you think? Call the White House. They'll probably give you a real seal. :)

PS... and if they won't, try Congress

I am working on an imitation presidential seal now that will not offend the secret service. A look alike at distance that will have some goofy wording on it when you get close.
You see in reality, Air Force One does not even exist except in my RV12 model. Any aircraft that has the President in it, uses the Air Force One CALL SIGN, but the 747's etc have a regular N number like any other plane, so only I have a real life Air Force 1..:p
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