Looks Great Jim

Sorry your friend didn't get to finish his - that would have been an additional lift for you I know. The panel looks exceptionally clean. I see that you have a 320 engine which would put you in the RV Red class where there is very low participation. There are a couple of races scheduled for Grove, Oklahoma this year but management changes there could cause them to fall through - we'll see. I'll be looking for you in the area around northwest Arkansas.

Bob Axsom
I saw the Kitplanes posting before this on VAF. Very nice job. Your plane looks great.

Nice airplane Jim! Can see all the love and detail you put in it...enjoy the advantures......oh....and you better lock it when Vlad is around!!!:D:D
Thanks guys. I am pretty proud of it. I should have backed up a little more when taking the panel picture. You can't see it but there is a TruTrak Gemini PDF on the left side of the panel too.
Bob, how do I find out what is involved in the Grove race? I've never done anything like that before. Sounds interesting.
My friend got me back into flying in 1994. He bought his kit first then later I ordered mine. He was several years older than me and had several health issues during the build. Cancer finally got him. He never lost hope in finishing his plane up until the end. Another friend of mine bought the kit and is finishing it now. Ibet it will be flying in less than a year.
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