
Well Known Member
Final sign off by the FSDO today. Woo Hoo. A surprisingly simple process. I bet the guy looked at the plane for all of 6 minutes. It was all about the paperwork for them.

Hope to do the first flight on Saturday with a Test pilot (using the new second pilot program). I have LIVED at the airport the last week getting it together. Very exciting.


None of these guys who only look at the airplane for 6 minutes are doing any of you any favors. The inspection is not supposed to be a "test", but rather a very thorough preflight for you to insure you have a safe an uneventful first flight. At least that is how I look at it and execute it. As an example, about 50% of the aircraft I inspect have the elevator trim rigged up backwards. I inspected an RV 7 just this past week end that was backwards and he had been flying it that way for over 200 hours. He said he got used to it!
So, be careful, and don't assume anything. :)

None of these guys who only look at the airplane for 6 minutes are doing any of you any favors. The inspection is not supposed to be a "test", but rather a very thorough preflight for you to insure you have a safe an uneventful first flight. At least that is how I look at it and execute it. As an example, about 50% of the aircraft I inspect have the elevator trim rigged up backwards. I inspected an RV 7 just this past week end that was backwards and he had been flying it that way for over 200 hours. He said he got used to it!
So, be careful, and don't assume anything. :)

Yep, I find about the same percentage.
Actually found one RV-12 with the stabilator (not trim) rigged backwards. Builder was quite embarrassed.
Congrats on reaching this point in your RV journey! In light of the "paperwork" inspection you received, may I suggest that you have a couple of your more experienced chapter members give your plane a good going-over before your first flight. Another pair of eyeballs (or more) looking over your work never hurts. Congrats again!
In keeping with the other folks on the forum regarding an actual inspection.
We had a " inspection party" and asked every other builder/pilot in the area to come over and inspect. Only thing they found was that we had the fuel vent line angle facing aft instead of forward. Thank goodness someone caught it.
You cannot over estimate the value of a fresh pair of eyes.
None of these guys who only look at the airplane for 6 minutes are doing any of you any favors. The inspection is not supposed to be a "test", but rather a very thorough preflight for you to insure you have a safe an uneventful first flight. At least that is how I look at it and execute it. As an example, about 50% of the aircraft I inspect have the elevator trim rigged up backwards. I inspected an RV 7 just this past week end that was backwards and he had been flying it that way for over 200 hours. He said he got used to it!
So, be careful, and don't assume anything. :)


I agree with the importance of this, but was happy with how it worked out for me. Frankly, I don't want a gov't worker doing my inspection. I have hired a test pilot with a great deal of RV building and flying experience to do my first flight. He spent two + hours inspecting every aspect of my plane/build. I like that the Gov't worked on the paperwork and my expert focused on the inspection. I suspect that a DAR provides a dual role function.

I agree with the need for un-biased inspection have had the EAA tech counselor inspect a few times as well to be sure that any errors are getting caught.

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Congratulations on getting your pink slip done!
To add something to this. I worked for an FBO/flight school years ago and when ever they did an inspection on one of the rental trainers the IA would park it in front of the break room door with the cowling etc off for a few days and asked everyone to stop and look it over good every time we passed it. It was amazing what would get found.