
Well Known Member
Today the UPS truck delivered my spankin' new MGL Odyssey. I've been programming the simulator for a while, getting my screens setup, routes, etc.
Transfer to the unit was pretty simple. I hooked it up to a small battery I have here and we're in business.

What I like:

  • The screen is bright and very legible. I will be able to operate this unit without my specs (I have presbyopia).
  • Fairly easy to operate.
  • Did I mention the screen?
  • Totally configurable. I have customized the screens to my liking already.
  • Configurable rotary controls. Nice.
  • Simple integration with my A/P, Radio(s) and transponder.
  • The price. Less than 5 G's for everything, including gyros, magnetometer, engine pod and probes.
  • Support. Had to call MGL with a question. Answered quickly by Matt.
  • The list goes on. I'll be posting more when N131RV gets back in the air.

What I don't like:
  • Eggs all in one basket. :( I will have alternate navigation and attitude systems, but a LOT of functionality is tied up in one unit.
  • Route creation is a PITA. I can do it one handed on my G196.
  • It has HITS, but routes do not have altitude info associated with them. A definite lack, IMHO. Please, Rainier, jump in here if I am off base.
  • No support for obstacles. :(
  • Declutter function is clumsy. (minor nit)

All in all, I am quite pleased. The MGL folks have done an outstanding job for the price. When I showed the screen to a few pilot friends, I'm pretty sure I made a couple of sales. :)
  • Eggs all in one basket. :( I will have alternate navigation and attitude systems, but a LOT of functionality is tied up in one unit.
  • Route creation is a PITA. I can do it one handed on my G196.
  • It has HITS, but routes do not have altitude info associated with them. A definite lack, IMHO. Please, Rainier, jump in here if I am off base.
  • No support for obstacles. :(
  • Declutter function is clumsy. (minor nit)

I can help with a couple points, and I'm sure Rainier will help with the rest when he checks in here.

Yes, all your eggs are in one basket. Backups are always a good idea and certainly your choice.
Route creations will be better soon.
HITS does work with altitude (but not in demo mode, if I remember correctly). This is how it displays GLS & GPS approaches, in addition to the HSI.
Rainier will have to comment on the obstacles and declutter.
These products are very new, and he is constantly adding features and upgrades to make them top of the line.
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