
Well Known Member
Yesterday I got my special issuance Third Class from the FAA after having double bypass surgery in April 2011. I had let my previous certificate lapse prior to needing surgery. I was kind of waiting until the ruling was back concerning the Third Class exemption that the EAA and AOPA was working with the FAA on but I feel the plane will be ready to fly before then so I put the plan in motion back in August to get my medical certificate. I thought I would have the plane flying by now but reading the Travels of Vlad, I decided I really needed the plane to be painted first before the airworthiness inspection so thats what I'm trying to do now. Hopefully I will have that first flight before I have to renew my medical in September.
Mike, it's reassuring to know that medical issues are not a guaranteed grounding. Congratulations on both your health and your airplane!

As a pilot who obtained his Special Issuance Class III Medical after heart surgery, I congratulate you for your achievement. As medical technology improves, there should be more pilots joining our ranks. It was a personal goal for me to obtain that Special Issuance Medical after my surgery in 2009.

Now I need to get out in the shop and finish my RV. :eek:

Congrats Mike! I know you were worried about getting your medical back. It would have been a bummer to have a new airplane and no medical. Happy Holidays!
Congratulations on the medical Mike! Health is the only item you can't buy. Good move on painting first you will be glad you did.