
Well Known Member
Saturday, my DAR did the inspection on my RV7A. I now have an airworthiness aircraft according to the FAA.

Before I left the ground on DAY ONE, RYAN tower invited me up to their lofty perch so I could view all of the places near the field I could put the plane down safely if I had to.

They even cleared both runways so I could make an emergency U-turn.

All eyes were upon me as I pushed in the throttle and headed for the sky that windless but cloudy day. Fortunately, I didn't have any issues and enjoyed DAY ONE. It was an experience unlike any other in my 60++ years.

Of course, I waited until I had a great night's sleep and the weather was acceptable.

I wish you have the same GOOD luck, my friend.
Gads! It's definitely a sign of our economic times that I saw the thread title and thought, "Oh, no! Not another project on hold!" I am relieved that I was wrong and instead of sympathizing can congratulate you on an exciting milestone. Good luck with the Phase I.
Same reaction

Gads! It's definitely a sign of our economic times that I saw the thread title and thought, "Oh, no! Not another project on hold!" I am relieved that I was wrong and instead of sympathizing can congratulate you on an exciting milestone. Good luck with the Phase I.

Great news!